Need Help- Aptasia, Hydroids or Red Star Polyps?


New member
Wasn't sure where to post this? I have a 100g FOWLR tank that has been running for close to 14 years now! I recently noticed 3 or 4 colonies of polyps on a few rocks at the top of the tank. In the past I had Aptasia, added a Scat and he took care of that. I have NOT added anything recently other than a few Hermit Crabs and Turbo snails and Black Fin "shark".

My local LFS thinks its red star polyps and not dangerous but will spread. From doing some research I think they might be Hydroids, which seem alot worse. The LFS recommends a Chocolate Chip Star as they think it will eat the polyps. Not sure what to do next?


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Thanks, I might have to add a Butterfly to the tank. The LFS recommended a Chocolate Chip Starfish for some reason, while he is cool he hasn't touched the polyps.
I've cut down on my feedings, got a new skimmer and have cut my lights back to about 5 hours per day. I was thinking of going dark for a few days, but am concerned how this will affect my fish?
As I understand, and I could be wrong. Fish don't require lights. If it is a fish only tank, why are the polyps a problem?
Cheers! Mark
Look like colonial hydroids. Lights out won't do anything if so. I've had Peppermint shrimp eat them but they're hit or miss whether they will.
Will a Butterfly eat them? Or best to try a Peppermint shrimp? Or, best to just take the couple of rock out that have them and trash the rock? It is a fish-only tank, but dont want these things taking over!