Need help buying CORAL today.


New member
Looking to pick up some new coral for my 95 gal reef tank and I wanted to get these. What do you guys think? only coral I have now is bubble, torch, frogspawn, and 2 GBTA's. I should be fine right?

This is my list- Cherry bomb, True red people eater, lunar eclipse, and then a deep water pipe organ.
They do? They are $10 so I was just going to throw them in and see what happens? Have u heard of any1 having success with them and keeping them 4 a while?
Pipe organs I believe are more filter-feeders than photosynthetic, so in a lot of tanks they tend to fade out from lack of food. In a tank that's fed somewhat regularly, such as one with gorgonians or dendro's, they'd probably do pretty good.

Otherwise all you're adding is Z's&P's, who should be no more sensitive than what you already have. However still best to ensure your tank is mature and all that, so like ST said, how long has it been up?
Compatibility between corals isn't as important as it is with fish, so more important to check overall tank paramaters than ensuring the corals get along.