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I let my tank run out of fresh water for about 2 days and when my wife dump fresh rodi water the gorgonia. Start to produce a smile now all tank looks cloudy m not sure if is because the gorgonian I just make 20 gal wc and m about to run ssome carbon I have a 65 gal tank running strong for about 8 months any ideas what could b?

the duncsn is closed and my euphiliaz , torch and birdnest looks crapy beside that all the corarls and fish looks good

Any ideas??
Did she dump the fresh water in so fast it could have stirred the sand up..the sand near the edge of the glass looks freshly moved.
Run a UV sterilizer to stop the spread of bacteria and run fresh carbon to pull potential pollution. If the sand bed is never disturbed she likely released a bunch of assimilated nutrients when she stirred it up. I would check your rodi water with a freshly calibrated tds meter as the filters may be exhausted and the water could contain nutrients, chloramines, etc. In my experience a shedding/sliming Gorgonian is an unhappy Gorgonian. Also, don't turn off your skimmer. If you have to just run it without the cup and let it spill back into the sump. The bacteria could deplete your oxygen levels and suffocate your inhabitants.
Already running a air stone just in case also the skimmer are still producing a lot of foam but not like yesterday
Idk :/ could the change of salinity do that? She dump like 1 gallon maybe less , hard to tell i was outnof town when that happen, but i dnt dose anything and i do 5 gal weekly wc or 10 gallons every 15 days the tank is a 65 gal
Sadly i dnt have uv sterilizer cuzza tomorrow im going to see if i can found one cheap on Craigslist
Could the salt level have gone up so high it has started to kill the corals and anything else in the tank and now they are producing a protective slime coating and or dying slowing...