Need help moving the two center braces in my tank


New member
I am trying to get my 150G, 72" glass RR up and running before the Mar frag swap, and one of the things still on the to do list is reposition the two center braces to a better position for my lighting. Currently, the two 4" wide braces are much closer to the center, only about 15" apart, rather than be equally spaced at the 1/3 at 2/3 points of the tank. Anyone done some glass/silicone work that would be willing to help, or do it for a fee? Happy to pay to get someone with experience to do this soonest. PM me if you know someone,
- Jack
Id be scared to do it on a tank that size. I did it on my 37 and it bows enough to give me occassional nightmares. I have secured it but I still get the nightmares...
i honestly would maybe ask an engineeer of some sort, but i think whereover those braces are, there put there for a reason.

most of your stress on the tank will bow at the very center.

are they made of glass? if tehre plastic, then id replace it with a piece of acrylic or glass but keep them in the same spots.
Well, the tank was not built by a manufacturer, it is a custom job done in an LFS, so I am not convinced about the engineering studies that went into the design. The positioning of the braces (glass braces by the way) appears to have been for the specific purpose of accomidating the old lighting. I might stay with it, but still looking for options.

Titus, I am not removing them, I am repositioning them...
Someone just had a thread about it, and I believe it was Compulou who had shown pictures where he cut and moved his center brace, however it was plastic.

For glass, I would imagine that with a dry tank, you could cut away the silicone, move the glass panel, re-silicone it in (use a REALLY strong silicone if you're worried) into the place that you want it to be, and you should be fine I would imagine..