Need help on ProfiLux II Light basic setting.


New member
Hi all,

I have just bought one new PII light a few days ago and till now, still do not know how to configure it to my basic needs. I'm really an electronic idiot, so please kindly help me.

1) How to set timer for S1,S2,S3, and S4?
2) How to set time for 1-10V from 0%-100% and vice visa for L1, L2, L3 & L4?

1 - asuming you have a 4 socket power bar as you only mention sockets 1 to 4. And assuming you have this plugged into switchable outlet S1S4

Go to socket function out let in the profilux control software and set S1 to timer 1, then go to timer 1 under process and set your required times, repeat for other sockets

2. this depends on what you are wanting to control.

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Hi all,

I have just bought one new PII light a few days ago and till now, still do not know how to configure it to my basic needs. I'm really an electronic idiot, so please kindly help me.

1) How to set timer for S1,S2,S3, and S4?
2) How to set time for 1-10V from 0%-100% and vice visa for L1, L2, L3 & L4?


Not to contradict Michael but I think he skipped over something in your original post.

1.) using the profilux software you define your timers in the "Timers" section of the "Process" tree. Once you have defined your timer you can define your socket as "Timer X" (Where "X" is the number of the timer you created). Socket Functions are found in the "System" tree of the software.

2.) To define your dimming and lighting options you need to first define an "illumination Channel" in the software (under the illumination tree). Once you have got your options set you then go into the 0-10v menu (located in the "system" tree of the software) and define your 0-10v socket as "Illumination X" (Where X is the Illumination channel you just defined).

If you are trying to configure these through the Profilux II Light directly its a little more complicated. I would generally suggest connecting your Light II to your Computer via the RS232 cable and using the "Profilux Control" software (this simplifies the setup considerably).

Hope that helps

Not to contradict Michael but I think he skipped over something in your original post.

1.) using the profilux software you define your timers in the "Timers" section of the "Process" tree. Once you have defined your timer you can define your socket as "Timer X" (Where "X" is the number of the timer you created). Socket Functions are found in the "System" tree of the software.

2.) To define your dimming and lighting options you need to first define an "illumination Channel" in the software (under the illumination tree). Once you have got your options set you then go into the 0-10v menu (located in the "system" tree of the software) and define your 0-10v socket as "Illumination X" (Where X is the Illumination channel you just defined).

If you are trying to configure these through the Profilux II Light directly its a little more complicated. I would generally suggest connecting your Light II to your Computer via the RS232 cable and using the "Profilux Control" software (this simplifies the setup considerably).

Hope that helps


Hi Gareth,'s true that It's too tedious using the control panel directly.

Btw, I have just hooked my PC linked with ProfiLux II light and it's pretty easy to manage all the configuration at 1 glance. Currently, need time to digest and play around all the function and configuration.

Hi Gareth,'s true that It's too tedious using the control panel directly.

Btw, I have just hooked my PC linked with ProfiLux II light and it's pretty easy to manage all the configuration at 1 glance. Currently, need time to digest and play around all the function and configuration.


Once you get the basics understood you'll have a much easier time with future tasks. My problem is I don't do anything with it for a while and have to give myself a "Refresher Course" when I do decide to add to the complexity of it.

I agree that "Once you go PC/Laptop" it gets so much easier.