Need Help Programming my Feed Mode in Apex


Active member
Guys, I must be close, but just can't get it to happen exactly like I want. Can you help me?

Using Feed Mode A for my Neptune AFS, I'd like to program it to feed (when activated) at 8:30 in the morning. When feed mode A is activated I'd like my return pump and skimmer to turn off first. Then I want it to feed the fish 1 rotation. I want my return pump to stay off for 5 minutes before restarting. I want my skimmer stay off for 10 minutes before restarting. Below is how I have things currently programed. I know the problem is in my coding. I just don't know enough yet to figure it out.

Here is my current AFS (Feeder_5_1) program as it is shown in the advanced tab:
OSC 000:00/000:30/000:30 Then ON
If Time 00:00 to 00:30 Then OFF
If Time 08:32 to 00:00 Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then ON

Here is my RetPump_2_3 as shown in the advanced tab:
Fallback ON
OSC 000:00/000:05/000:00 Then ON
If FeedA 000 Then OFF

Here is my Skimmer_2_5 as shown in the advanced tab:
Fallback ON
OSC 000:00/000:05/000:00 Then ON
If FeedA 005 Then OFF

It occurred to me when typing this...should I be using the name of my feeder in place of the words FeedA? Should I be using Feeder_5_1 instead of FeedA?

When I tested this last, my feeder kicked on as soon as I hit on. My return pump cut off but wouldn't come back on. My skimmer did not turn off. I was tired and frustrated so I went to bed. Any suggestions for a newbie would be appreciated.
Do you need a time restriction on your AFS if you are manually activating a feed mode? Let us know if you will be strictly activating it yourself, OR if you want it to be fully automated with a manual override.
My long term plan is to feed manually when at home. I enjoy that. But when I'm away I need a plan so I can set and forget. So I guess I'm looking to have my cake and eat it too.

I just assumed I could control this thru my feeder tile. That way I could place it in auto when I leave town and off when I'm ready to feed at home.
First: Go into settings and change Feed A to: 1 second

Second: Create a Virtual Outlet and name it: "Feed" (you can name this whatever you want but must change the names below to match if you do)

Third: Outlet programming...

Virtual Outlet: Feed
If Time 08:29 to 08:30 Then ON

Place this outlet in auto, it will turn on from 8:29am-8:30:59am and automatically control everything below. OR, place is in OFF mode and nothing is controlled.

Outlet: Feeder_5_1 (AFS Outlet)
If FeedA then ON
Defer 001:00 Then ON
If Outlet Feed = ON Then ON
Defer 001:00 Then ON
Defer 000:05 Then OFF

Place this outlet in auto, it will wait 1min after you click the FeedA button giving time for your return pump to shut down then itll feed once and then turn off after 5secs, OR at 8:30am(return pump shuts down at 8:29am)it will automatically feed once then wait 5secs and turn off.

Outlet: RetPump_2_3
If FeedA then OFF
Defer 005:00 Then ON
If Outlet Feed = ON Then OFF
Defer 005:00 Then ON

Place this outlet in auto, it will turn off immediately when the FeedA button is hit, it'll wait 5mins and then turn back on automatically, OR at 8:29am it will turn off and wait 5mins and then turn back on automatically.

Outlet: Skimmer_2_5
If FeedA then OFF
Defer 010:00 then ON
If Outlet Feed = ON Then OFF
Defer 010:00 then on

Place this outlet in auto, it will turn off immediately when the FeedA button is hit, it'll wait 10mins and then turn back on automatically, OR at 8:29am it will turn off and wait 10mins and then turn back on automatically.

Increase or decrease the Defer statements for the return pump if you need more or less time for your fish to eat, and increase or decrease the Defer statements for the skimmer if you need more or less time for the sump water level to even out so you don't overflow the skimmer.

Give this a try and let me know....
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