Need Help, What is this


New member
I've posted this prolem several times, and have tried just about everything. I have pics now, there not so great, but it's a start. Thanks for all the help so far, this just has me stumped.

OK, a little history. This bi-color pseudo has had this look off and on for 2.5 months now, and it's geting worse. We had a power outage. (6days no power, no lights, no heat) He first showed signs of a problem when the power came back on. Started with blotching color and scratching. I treated with metrodiazonal in the food for a week. Seemed to clear up. Came back about 7 days later. Treated again. Came back, only less. This process contiuned for a month. Then one of my other fish showed signs of ich. Moved everybody to Hypo. 3 weeks in now. I treated everybody with Maracyn 2, with good resaults so far.

During the move to hypo the bi-color had a bad expirence (I blame myself, so don't bash me) First he got caught in a rock, and I didn't realize. He got pretty banged up. The when I put him in a QT tank with the trigger, the trigger decided to take a bite. I pull him out quick, but he still had a chunk missing. This has since healed, But these patches that he had before are getting larger.
Shows no signs of heavy breathing.

What should I do next? I'm sure the stress of all this has not helped the situation. I just don't know what to treat with? Iodine,Maroxy, More Maracyn 2, More Metrodiazonal? Or just let it be. This is one tough fish.

Thanks for the time, and here are the pics. The darker color is his normal color, and the patches are not fuzzy or cotton like.


Looks like bacteria infection to me, but I am not an expert. I had the same symptoms before on my fishs.

If you use any antibacterial medication, you need to keep the water heavily aerated as the oxygen is being consumed rapidly. The skimmer needs to be turn off also.

Maybe the three experts may chime in later.

You sound like a kind of test facility for fish resiliency! :D

With so much stress, the fish needs help on three fronts:
1) nutrition,
2) prevention of/curing of secondary bacterial infection, and
3) improving the fish mucous coating.

For nutrition:

Be sure to add the beta glucan to its food as mentioned in the above reference.

Continue an anti-bacterial treatment, but probably use both types of antibiotics (those that kill Gram Negative and those that kill Gram Positive bacteria). You can do this using BOTH Maracyn One and Maracyn Two for saltwater fish.

With the above kind of treatment, your biological filter will probably stop working, so you'll need to do and be prepared to do daily massive water changes (over 80%) or use a chemical filtration in combination with fewer water changes. Thus, you'll need a lot of the medication to replace what you throw away.

If the fish is in hypo, that is good and should be continued. If it isn't in hypo, reduce the specific gravity to about 1.012. Further, the fish coating/mucous layer needs help. You might try a water treatment that promotes improved fish coating recovery. But, I'm unfamiliar with how they work with antibiotics. You should get a recommendation from a specific manufacturer if that information isn't on the bottle. STRESS COAT comes to mind.

Good luck! :rollface:
Yes, this is a test of fish resiliency, not my intentions for sure. I thought this fish was a gonner 2 months ago, then again when the trigger took a bite. Now I feel that I owe it to him to do all I can.

I do feed various types of food, soaked in Selcon and garlic. I will continue to look for various brands of food as well as start making my own. His appetite has slowed, so I will have to keep an eye on this.

I will get more Maracyn 2 as well as Maracyn for treatment. I can't isolate this fish from the others right now because they are all going through hypo. I don't have another QT tank.

How harmful is it to use both Maracyn and Maracyn 2 on fish that don't need it? (a lawnmower blenny and a coral beauty)
Or can I once a day move the pseudo to a bucket and soak him in the medication for an hour or so? of course this will only add more stress. My husband thinks I've lost my mind. He keeps reminding me, "it's a $10 fish."

Thanks for all your help an info.
The use of antibiotics on fish that don't need it, is not a problem. Perhaps a waste of antibiotics, but no harm that I am aware of. Just something you don't want to routinely do

Being with the other fishes you listed, is not particularly problematic for the bi-color. It is preferred it not be bothered by other fish during this treatment time, however. Even a small amount of competition for food can sway the sick fish to stop eating.

Using antibiotic as a dip isn't effective. It needs constant administering for the entire length of time recommended.

Are you sure your water quality is excellent? A fish wrestling with such a re-occurring condition usually points to a water quality/tank problem.

I understand the cost perspective. But for me it isn't the cost of the fish, it is a life that I have invited into my home and, I feel obligated to make its life a long and stress-free life as it is within my ability to do so.

On the other end of the spectrum, I know 'aquarists' who buy a tankful of fish, no QT, let them get sick, die, and then buy another replacement set. You are allowed over to his home only when there's a fresh batch of fish in his tank (about four times a year). :mad:
Well, the water quality in my display is/has been great as far as I could tell, 0's for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. PH 8.2 Calcium 380-400 Alk 7-9dkh. But the fish have been in hypo with less than perfect water. .50 or less Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate are high right now. I've been doing 50% water changes everyday. I also use Prime, I have tried Purigen, not much help, I just put Al Gone in the tanks today to see if that would help. I will test when I get home tonight. I am able to check the water 3 times a day, so I am doing the best I can with it. I will agree that these conditions are not helping.

Not a big fan of the disposible fish approach. So I'm in this for the long run.

Thanks again for your help, I have learned so much.