need help with a ID.


New member
Here ya go, its actually alot greener then the picture shows.

Thanks guys.
almost impossible to correctly ID a coral such as an acropora from a picture alone, especially when it is just a small frag. I can think of at least 10 different names for similiar looking corals. I have 7 frags of different acros that have the same "star" type polyps. I do love those type of polyps, they look awesome. good luck with an ID though........
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10596319#post10596319 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by muzz
almost impossible to correctly ID a coral such as an acropora from a picture alone, especially when it is just a small frag. I can think of at least 10 different names for similiar looking corals. I have 7 frags of different acros that have the same "star" type polyps. I do love those type of polyps, they look awesome. good luck with an ID though........

Thanks for the input. I figured it wouldn't be so easy to ID but i thought i would give it a shot :(.
Many say that to get a true ID, would have to dessected under microsacope. I am sure others would give good guesses, but it might be best to just keep searching the net and making comparisons to what you have. You will get a better guess once you see how it grows, if it is a tabling acro, or branching acro, etc.. best of luck, and enjoy. I do not know what half of the coral frags I have are, I have a good guess, but not exacty sure. But it is fun seeing how they respond to light and flow, find out what works best for that particular speciman, and watch it grow and color up.