need help with acrylic prop tank

So Cal shaggy

New member
I am planning on setting up a prop tank in the near future but am having trouble finding a tank so I was planning on building one. Here is my question I want acrylic but what should I use to attach the sides and bottom together? I do not know what glue to use and if I need to brace the sides. I plan on a 40 gal tank.

use weld-on 40 solvent to attach the pieces of acrylic together. I would use 1/4" or 3/8" acrylic and then use acrylic to build the top flange kind of like eurobracing. You can also apply a fillet of weld-on 16 for additional strength.

You would need Acrylic solvent glue. The most common brand is IPS "Weld-On." There are several different varieties of the glue - which denote their viscosity. The thinner ones create a stronger bond I believe, but they are harder to work with.
There is a really big acrylic fabrication thread which should be of some help.
Weld-on #4 water thin.

You won't need a gallon either:), Its all I have to post a pic of.
A little goes along way. Also need an applicator. Its solvent and actually melts the acrylic.

