Need help with canon


New member
I just sold my 35mm Canon, I am going with the Canon XTI. I didn't get rid of my extra lenses, Will they work with the new digital camera, Or do i have to sink a ton in new lenses again.
Thanks for the help,
It depends on what the lens mount of the lenses are. Was the film camera autofocus?
The film camera(EOS Rebal) was AF, All of the lenses are AF/MF, all lenses are Sigma(ProSpec) except for one it is a canon super telephoto for wildlife shots.
If they're all EOS mount then you're all set. The older FD (manual focus) mount won't work with the autofocus camera bodies. Well, technically they can work with an adaptor but you lose much of the functionality. So as long as your lenses worked on the Rebel they will work on the Rebel XTi.
What long telephoto lens do you have? Just curious :p
It's a EF 400mm F/5.6, My grandfather gave it to me, He is no longer able to take pics. He also gave me his Rebal(35mm) and another lens but not sure what it is, Tucked away in the closet....