need help with evil red algae/cyano

For the past several months I have been battling this really evil red slime. After reading Sprung & Delbeeks The Reef Aquarium books, I think it is a cyanobacterium, but could be algae. Anyway, I'm running a Prizm skimmer nonstop, its constantly exporting stuff, but apparently not enough. Can anyone inform me of what I have and how to stop it. I'm going to Hawaii in two days and leaving my tank in the hands of someone that doesn't know much and I'm afraid the algae's going to overgrow my corals! I mean this stuff can spread over 3 inches in all directions a day. Any help would be much appreciated!

Like I mentioned, its slimy, and mainly covers the open sand bed in large sheets, trapping oxygen underneath. It also grows on the shaded parts of rocks and on my feather macro, although it can quickly take over the lighted parts of rocks as well and smother corals.

tha dude
red slime

red slime

I have a tiger cowry snail. One should be enough to take care of the problem. Also try increasing your water circulation. Red SLime thrives in areas of low water circulation
I've had some problems in the past with this stuff. It's nasty and can be difficult to get rid of. This is what you need to do.

Your nitrates are too high, do a water change and use the tube to suck the crap off the bottom of the tank. It will take some substrate with it but that doesn't matter much. Get a better skimmer.

Keep your water temp. lower. I won't let me temp get above 82.5.

Buy Maracyn at your LFS. Make sure you get the right kind. This is actually for fish diseases but it works great! Can be pricey though, I payed i think around 18 bucks. Double up the dose and put it in your sump or overflow box.

The Maracyn is your best bet along with water changes. You could also get a UV sterilizer, but I don't recommend it on a reef tank. Generally for fish only tanks. I hope this helps.