Need help with getting a camera.


New member
I do not know much about cameras or taking pictures and would like some help on choosing a camera.

I am only interrested in taking pictures of my tanks/fish/corals. I initially would like to start by taking overall pictures of my tank then later move into taking pictures of my corals/fish. Finally I would like to move into taking macro shots of corals.

I do like the canon products.

I dont mind spending extra money up front if it is a good investement.

My understanding is that I need a body. Then need to start spending lots of $$$ on lenses.
Here's a nice list I made up for myself, type these all into amazon, it's the best deal i could find:
1.Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Telephoto
2.Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
3.Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash
4.Joby GP1-D1EN Gorillapod Flexible Tripod
5.Canon BG-E8 Battery Grip
Total : $1,508.66
Plus: $700 EOS Rebel T2i body
= a grand total of $2,208.66
If your taking pictures of tank than you won't really need the speedlite or really the battery grip. But youll need those two lenses and the tripod and thats a pretty nice body
A DSLR with a macro lense is your best bet for taking close up shots of fish and coral, if you don't have a budget.

A nice SLR-like camera with a macro mode can take nice full tank shots and close up shots. You could even add macro filters to the SLR-like camera.

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Do you have a budget in mind?

Not really. I will spend what is needed or not do it. I like mid to high end equipment and dont mind spending the money. I would rather spend more now and not regret buying something better later, or have to buy it again for more.
Well I called a buddy of mine that is into photography and he just happens to have a Canon 100MM Macro lens and a Body for sale. He said that the body was a EOS D? Not sure what the exact model but he is going to bring it over and let me try it out. I think that he is going to give me a quick tutorial on calibrating it with a white reference also?
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Not really. I will spend what is needed or not do it. I like mid to high end equipment and dont mind spending the money. I would rather spend more now and not regret buying something better later, or have to buy it again for more.

That's actually my preference as well. That said, I would go with a 7D or 60D body if you are alright with the crop factor or a 5D Mk II if you want to go full frame. All of these bodies have Live View and great high ISO performance and can also shoot video if you're interested in that. For full tank shots I use my 24-70 f/2.8L which is a great all around lens on a full frame body, it or a a 17-55 f/2.8 IS would be a nice choice for a crop. The 100mm f/2.8 macro is a great choice for macro.

Bogen/Manfrotto makes some nice, reasonably priced, tripods and ball heads since you're not planning on hiking far with it the extra weight over a carbon fiber equivalent would be a good way to go, IMO.
Check this out

Check this out

You should look at this site for camera stuff
Dont worry that this link is a gasming link you can get to their home page from there. The supaswap site allows you to buy sell or swap pretty much anything and have a lot of info on cameras.

Hope this helps
Well my buddy stopped by and left me with his old EOS 40D and a Cannon 100mm Macro Lens. He said that I could buy them off him.

Two questions, 1. Is the 40D good enough to learn on and 2. how much would they be worth. They are both in excellent shape.

Also, he knows his stuff but has never taken pics of corals or fish. He told me that to be able to get good pics of fish and better depth of field with corals that I will need a TON more light. He recommend that I get one or two Alien Bee lights. Does this sound correct?

I just want some good equipment to get started and learn, then I will upgrade later.
That would be a great combo to get started with. The camera is probably worth somewhere around $500 and the lens around $400.

I would start with the body and lens and figure out if you want to add lighting later.
Lens Question

Lens Question

What would the difference be between the SLR 100mm Lens and the DSLR 100mm Lens? The DSLR is more expensive but is it better for taking tank pics?
Can you post links to the lenses you're referring to? As long as it is an EF or EF-S mount it should work on the 40D without the need for any kind of adapter.

If you're talking about Canon 100mm macros there are basically three different versions in EF mount:

1. Canon 100mm f/2.8 non-USM macro (oldest)
2. Canon 100mm f/2.8 USM macro
3. Canon 100mm f/2.8 L IS USM macro (newest and most expensive)

Any of these will work on a 40D. The USM is an ultra sonic motor that provides faster autofocus performance. For macro work this isn't critical since you'll probably be manually focusing a lot of the time, but it's nice to have if you decide to use the lens for portraits, candids, etc.
That's the L version, "L" lenses are Canon's higher end models. That is the newest version of the lens, it does have great glass and it has an image stabilizer that will help to offset camera shake from left to right and up to down but not forward to back.

Since you're just getting started I would go with the lens your friend is selling as long as you can get it for a reasonable price, it goes for $519 new at amazon You can always sell the lens and upgrade to the L later if you really want to.
That's the L version, "L" lenses are Canon's higher end models. That is the newest version of the lens, it does have great glass and it has an image stabilizer that will help to offset camera shake from left to right and up to down but not forward to back.

Since you're just getting started I would go with the lens your friend is selling as long as you can get it for a reasonable price, it goes for $519 new at amazon You can always sell the lens and upgrade to the L later if you really want to.

I will check ebay and give him a good offer for the lens and 40D Body. He said that he will throw in a general pupose lens also.

The only other question that I have is about lighting.

He told me that I need a Studio Flash to be able to get good pics of the fish and corals. He recommended that I get an Alien Bee light. He said that they are inexpensive and good.

He has never taken any tank pics other then the one night he stoped by but just looking at the light he immediately told me I will need more.

I do want to take pics of the fish and corals without the background of half the fish being out of focus. So I assume that he is right about needing a light or two?
I agree, Alien Bees are nice lights for a good price. They'll definitely pack enough power to allow you to stop down to get more depth of field if that's what you're going for.