Need Help with MH Lights


New member
I need help understanding the difference between the different MH bulbs, please help.

1. What is the difference between a regular socket MH bulb and an HQI bulb? Is one better? Does one run hotter?

2. Is there a MH bulb that is like a 50/50 PC bulb, that gives off a mix of blue and white light? I know 10,000k is a white light, but I don't really understand what 14,000k, 20,000k, etc means?
HQI bulbs are better. They put out more light per wattage.

Yes, 10,000k is a white light, but as you go higher on the kelvin scale the light becomes more blue. You can probably get by without actinics on 10k, but 20k is what I use and it makes things look incredible.

Remember though, as the kelvin increases PAR decreases. The higher the kelvin the lower the intensity of the light.

My corals grew the quickest under a 6,700k bulb, but the color is terrible.

What type of setup are you going to have? How deep the tank is will determine what wattage you need.

PS.. I also run traditional socket style halides. 250 watt 20k bulbs with three VHO actinics and one 10k VHO. If I did it all over again, I would use HQI 10 or 20K.
The Hqi bulbs are double ended bulbs they need glass protection for UV while the Mogul (regular)base are single ended no need for a glass protection for UV.
I only have a 60gal tank 48x15x17, with a 30gal sump. My canopy is 8" tall. I was planning on just going with PC's but I have been reconsidering. I have heard that HQI bulbs run hotter, is that true?
the hamilton 14k bulb's i used for 2 yrs before just changing to a xm 15k these are a white/slight blue tint but not a strong tint of blue like a 20k look at the bulb comparisons