Let me start out with saying thanks for any help anyone gives my fish and I really appreciate it.
Ok some background i have a 210g reef with a 55g sump and 10g regfug.
I started this tank on 5/2014 with 175-200lb dry rock 60% homemade 30% marco and 10 lbs of seed rock.
I use a waveline dc1000ii for return pump and a rlss r8i skimmer
I use 3 evergrow full spec leds
35g ato container controlled by my apex
i use rodi that i make
I started this tank off slow with only a few fish and didnt really start adding corals till this summer. I now have
1 bld naso tang male 5in
1 med yellow tang
2 cardinals
2 clowns
1 val puffer
1 green chromis
1 cleaner wrasse
1 lawnmower blennie
1 diamond goby
3 cleaner shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 arrow crab
lots of snails and hermits.
and a bunch of different corals
cal 500
alk 9
phos- 0
ph 7.97-8.20
i feed new life spec....formula 1 green ... and homemade frozen...and nori
Now the problem I bought a powder brown tang about a month ago and a lawnmower blennie over 2 weeks ago now i will admit i DID NOT quarantine any of my fish I was lucky for 2 years and now i realize i was DUMB!
The powder and yello were the first two show signs last week they were eating and i was feeding garlic while i educated myself but the powder pasted on friday. :mad2: Thats when i noticed more fish going in for cleaning with the shrimp and wrasse and my orcidid dottyback and bi color dotty looked hazy and they both died sunday morning :sad2: The yellow is still holding on eating but has been covered for 4-5 days with white dots that seem to get better overnight. now my naso has cloudy eyes and spots on fins.
I think its Ich and from my reading i need to empty the tank of fish and leave fallow for 6-8 weeks and treat fish in qt tank.
Will a 55g hold my fish for 6-8 weeks?
I will have to set up on the fly tonight so allot of water changes till cycles
Can i put a dirty filter sock or a pump for sump into tank to help with bacteria?
Whats the best to treat fish with
Will my goby be ok w/o sand (all fish will eat prepared foods)
What eles can i do??
Thanks Mike
Ok some background i have a 210g reef with a 55g sump and 10g regfug.
I started this tank on 5/2014 with 175-200lb dry rock 60% homemade 30% marco and 10 lbs of seed rock.
I use a waveline dc1000ii for return pump and a rlss r8i skimmer
I use 3 evergrow full spec leds
35g ato container controlled by my apex
i use rodi that i make
I started this tank off slow with only a few fish and didnt really start adding corals till this summer. I now have
1 bld naso tang male 5in
1 med yellow tang
2 cardinals
2 clowns
1 val puffer
1 green chromis
1 cleaner wrasse
1 lawnmower blennie
1 diamond goby
3 cleaner shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 arrow crab
lots of snails and hermits.
and a bunch of different corals
cal 500
alk 9
phos- 0
ph 7.97-8.20
i feed new life spec....formula 1 green ... and homemade frozen...and nori
Now the problem I bought a powder brown tang about a month ago and a lawnmower blennie over 2 weeks ago now i will admit i DID NOT quarantine any of my fish I was lucky for 2 years and now i realize i was DUMB!
The powder and yello were the first two show signs last week they were eating and i was feeding garlic while i educated myself but the powder pasted on friday. :mad2: Thats when i noticed more fish going in for cleaning with the shrimp and wrasse and my orcidid dottyback and bi color dotty looked hazy and they both died sunday morning :sad2: The yellow is still holding on eating but has been covered for 4-5 days with white dots that seem to get better overnight. now my naso has cloudy eyes and spots on fins.
I think its Ich and from my reading i need to empty the tank of fish and leave fallow for 6-8 weeks and treat fish in qt tank.
Will a 55g hold my fish for 6-8 weeks?
I will have to set up on the fly tonight so allot of water changes till cycles
Can i put a dirty filter sock or a pump for sump into tank to help with bacteria?
Whats the best to treat fish with
Will my goby be ok w/o sand (all fish will eat prepared foods)
What eles can i do??
Thanks Mike