Need help with qt setup and fallow for ich removal

Let me start out with saying thanks for any help anyone gives my fish and I really appreciate it.
Ok some background i have a 210g reef with a 55g sump and 10g regfug.
I started this tank on 5/2014 with 175-200lb dry rock 60% homemade 30% marco and 10 lbs of seed rock.
I use a waveline dc1000ii for return pump and a rlss r8i skimmer
I use 3 evergrow full spec leds
35g ato container controlled by my apex
i use rodi that i make
I started this tank off slow with only a few fish and didnt really start adding corals till this summer. I now have
1 bld naso tang male 5in
1 med yellow tang
2 cardinals
2 clowns
1 val puffer
1 green chromis
1 cleaner wrasse
1 lawnmower blennie
1 diamond goby
3 cleaner shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 arrow crab
lots of snails and hermits.
and a bunch of different corals
cal 500
alk 9
phos- 0
ph 7.97-8.20
i feed new life spec....formula 1 green ... and homemade frozen...and nori

Now the problem I bought a powder brown tang about a month ago and a lawnmower blennie over 2 weeks ago now i will admit i DID NOT quarantine any of my fish I was lucky for 2 years and now i realize i was DUMB!
The powder and yello were the first two show signs last week they were eating and i was feeding garlic while i educated myself but the powder pasted on friday. :mad2: Thats when i noticed more fish going in for cleaning with the shrimp and wrasse and my orcidid dottyback and bi color dotty looked hazy and they both died sunday morning :sad2: The yellow is still holding on eating but has been covered for 4-5 days with white dots that seem to get better overnight. now my naso has cloudy eyes and spots on fins.
I think its Ich and from my reading i need to empty the tank of fish and leave fallow for 6-8 weeks and treat fish in qt tank.

Will a 55g hold my fish for 6-8 weeks?

I will have to set up on the fly tonight so allot of water changes till cycles
Can i put a dirty filter sock or a pump for sump into tank to help with bacteria?

Whats the best to treat fish with

Will my goby be ok w/o sand (all fish will eat prepared foods)

What eles can i do??
Thanks Mike
QT tank must be sterile. Do not introduce anything that was in the DT into the QT except fish or you will defeat the purpose of leaving the tank fallow.

I suggest setting up the 55g (u really need a bigger QT tank ESP with the Naso in it) with a hob, start with new bio media and bio spira.

Then start pulling fish out and put through TTM then into QT. Do the Naso last.

Lastly leave tank fallow for 72-90 days.

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The wife just sent me some pictures of the naso and he has black blotches on him is this from ich of do i have something else also... i dont know how to add pictures but i will when i have time to figure out. why does this have to happen when things are the buzy!!!
Tank Transfer Method. Check the sticky in the disease forum.

Naso is last so it spends the least amount of time in the small tank.

I'm not sure about black blotches. Need pictures

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The wife just sent me some pictures of the naso and he has black blotches on him is this from ich of do i have something else also... i dont know how to add pictures but i will when i have time to figure out. why does this have to happen when things are the buzy!!!

I think you may be referencing him stressing out. They start to get blotches when they are getting stressed.
Even one of the clownfish has a blotch on it werid??
I dont understand the Tank transfer method do i do one fish at a time?? wouldn't i need 3 tanks ie.. display qt tank and final qt tank for all fish to go while tank is fallow?? Im so lost can't i just catch all fish tonight put in qt tank and treat for parisites and let display go fallow...
Do some research on TTM.

Here's a hefty link to get you started:

You'll need two set of equipment at the very minimum and a "holding"/hospital tank at the end of the 12-14 TTM period to hold the fish in under the display is fallow at least 72 days.

It's a process where you move all the fish from one set of tanks/equipment to another CLEAN set of tanks/equipment every 72 hours (at most) for a total of a minimum of 4 transfers. You sterilize/clean the previous tank/equipment at each transfer.

Good luck. I'm going through that myself, right now.
i read in that link someone was using food safe Rubbermaid cont. will these work? as i can find these tonight.. what about ammonia in the qt tanks some say just get a monitor. will it spike in 3 days?? can i do all fish at same time?? 10 fish 12day each most will die otherwise?
The yellow is one of my oldest fish he and the Naso have been in there together with no problems when I put the powder Brown in the yellow and him didn't get along for a little while but then they were fine. Yellow is still holding strong but covered in white specks
i read in that link someone was using food safe Rubbermaid cont. will these work? as i can find these tonight.. what about ammonia in the qt tanks some say just get a monitor. will it spike in 3 days?? can i do all fish at same time?? 10 fish 12day each most will die otherwise?

You might need two sets of containers with your stock list. That's a lot of fish.

Dose Prime during day 2 of each transfer cycle to keep tabs on ammonia.
Those darker blotches are probably from rubbing/scratching against rocks and sand. Imagine not having arm/legs and an itch you cannot scratch.
I could not get two sizable cont or tanks last night but i did get a 75g for a ht.. what are your thoughts on treating them with hypo-salinity in the 75g. I got the 75 up and running last night. i still need to catch all fish. my bej cardinal died yesterday. i was thinking of catching them and giving them a f/w or treated bath then put them in the 75 at 1.024 and drop it over the next 24-48hrs to 1.009. Im so buzy now with work and i run a side snow plowing co and it snowed this weekend, i just have to much going on for this to happen now...On a good note my yellow tang looks great now fin were up and no spots at all i know its not gone but hes fighting it.
going to be really hit or miss with hypo..more likely will not be near 100% effective. you would be looking at a really long time using that method of treatment, IMO.
the problem lies in identifying the strain(s) you're trying to treat for.
any low salinity strain and it may never go away.

so, if you don't think you will be able to stick to the TTM and the transfer timetable requirements. not sure what to tell you on this.
good luck though.
Well since i dont have time to look/buy for suitable containers to do a TTM
I am going to try hypo in the 75g. I plan on doing a f/w dip on all fish before they go into the 75g.. once all are in i will use a drip to slowing add ro water till sg at 1.009 and hold there till 4 weeks after last spots. It may take awhile but i need to leave my display fallow for 8 weeks or so.. i figure if hypo is not working i can always start the TTM after or use cupramine??
How long do i F/W dip them?
can i use baked baking soda to keep ph in check?
What about feeding that new life spec ICH food while in HT?

I wish i could do the TTM but never doing one and with my schedule lately
i fear i will mess up or not be available when i need to be. Im already teaching my wife to do things. LOL but dont want to put more on her.
Thanks Mike
i need to leave my display fallow for 8 weeks or so.. i figure if hypo is not working i can always start the TTM after or use cupramine??
How long do i F/W dip them?
or so would be more like 76 days minimum according to some, I would do min of 90.

i wouldnt bother with the FW dip.

good luck man,, im going through treatments now. blows and time consuming.
Well i moved all fish last night, what a mission! I did FW dip only the worst looking fish and they did look better after and all fish survived the night
Im going to start dropping the sal tonight.

Whats the best way im thinking a bucket with a drip line
I have a ato im going to use while set at 1.009

What should do about my diamond goby will he be ok w/o sand?

Am I missing anything?

I calibrated my refract last night,
I think im ready.