Need help with Setting up MH lighting


New member
I just purchased a 3EX and my PAB works and is recognized, but turns on my lights but not off.

I thought ILLUMINATION setting...but the manual is bad. it is exactly translated and sometime literally doesn't make sense. Can somebody give me a tip?

Also my Web server stopped working. It was working fine. I went on vacation and came back, now it PINGS fine but will not allow me to connect. No changes on the router.
The port IS forwarded correctly too. I tried DHCP but it will NOT pick one up. Not even after restarting.
Set the lights up under process not illumination

Set the power bar socket to timer 1 and then go to timer 1 under process.

For further support and go to the global support forum you will get faster answer there ;)

You need to set up a log in of course.