Need help writing APEX alarm code for new float switch...


Active member
I'm stuck. Just got a breakout box to install a float switch in my ATO to notify me when the water level is low. So I set up a virtual outlet for the float switch called AddWater_V. I'm using Sw1 on the BoB. The float switch will be closed when the tank has enough water and will open when low. I need the alarm to notify me when it opens.

I read when using a virtual outlet you have the ability to add more text for a clearer error message. Can't seem to get it to work. Can I get some assistance?

The AddWater_V code: Fallback ON, Set ON, If Sw1 OPEN Then OFF.

How to I get the alarm to notify me? And I want the alarm to say AddWater.
The base unit has an email "œoutlet". So if you change the name of SW1 to Addwater you can get a text that says
"œIf Addwater closed than on" and you'll just know what that means.

I call mine reserve and this is a text I got

This is the code in the email outlet

Hopefully that makes sense

That helps. I believe I have it. Thanks for the feedback. It was frustrating but helped me really figure out the apex coding. Just have to learn all the buzzwords for the coding.
There's a steep learning curve but you'll get the hang of it. I'm far from an expert but the Neptune forum is a huge help.