Need live sand for seeding


New member

I treated my tank with interceptor about a month or so ago, 2 treatments, and it really nuked any pods in my tank. So I really need to re-seed my tank with some fresh livesand. If anyone would be willing to bring me a bag of some sand that has live stuff in it, I'd be happy to trade frags for it. I've got lots of frags of Pavona decussatus (cactus/potato chip coral, bright green), Monti Digis (ORA German Blue Polyp, kenya trees (yes, I'll gladly give you a few!), or pink zoanthids.

We can meet up tomorrow night at the FMAS dinner. Just bring a Styrofoam box to keep the corals in while we're at dinner. Bonus coral if you've got mysis living in your sand :)

I can bring you a scoop of my sand if you like. I am not sure what is living in it though LOL.
Or I can give you some of the rubble rock, and chaeto out of my fuge. My fuge is full of life, and I never had a pod problem after my treatments. My population bounced back in a few weeks.

Let me know if you want me to bring them with me tomorrow.

Yea Mike, that would be sweet. Thank you very much!

BTW the frags are all doing well, polyps extended today, bright and shiny. I love the colors :)
I am glad you like them. I hope hey do well for you. They grow pretty well in my tank I don't do anything special.

The tort is a pretty fast grower or me. I have 3 full colonies of it LOL, all grown from tiny frags. Let me kow how the lokani does, it takes a while to get established, but once it starts it is a prety fast grower.

Post some pics if you can, it would be nice. I will try to get some pics of the frags I got from you as well.

PS send me a reminder to bring the sand and chaeto for you.
hey eric- i have about 120lbs left in my tank from the break down - i'd be very happy to trade it for some more corals


Just tell me what you want. Do you have like a rock or two also that have life on it, if you're breaking down a tank anyway? I'll gladly throw down corals. Just PM me what you'd like and I'll be happy to work something out.

I'm happy to take sand from multiple people as well, since I might as well have a mix of sands. Just no sand with redbugs or AEFW, okay? :p

All I need is a bag too..
Jeff awesome. Thanks again for coming by and for the sand and rock :) I hope the frags do well in your tank! I also forgot to give you some Monti Cap frags. I really need to trim that purple one down, so I was just going to give you a few pieces of that and some of the green, since it didn't do well last time, but I suppose there is always next time ...
Eric, I've got plenty of sand in my 90. The tank is mature and healthy. I'll be happy to give you some, but you'll have to come get it. Give me a call if you're interested.