Need New Skimmer


New member
I have 20 gallon Reef tank and i have a Berlint Airlift in the tank. I dont like the idea of the skimmer being inside the tank. Is a prizm the best way to go. I think that a skimmer in the side tank besides being an eye soar is a hazardous to the tank. Am i right can you guys reccommend one for under 200 that will be up to par. Is this good for me a Prizm and what does the add on kit do for it.
Hi Reefvette,

Thank you for your inquiry. Our top rated hang on the back skimmers are the AquaC Remora skimmers. I would recommend the AquaC Remora with the Maxi-Jet 1200 for your tank.

Precision Marine also makes an excellent hang on the tank skimmer call the HOT-1 series skimmers that you may want to also look at.

Another popular skimmer are the CPR BakPak 2R Reef Ready skimmers.

If there is anything else we can do for you do not hesitate to ask.

Keith M.
Marine Depot Customer Service