Need pics of external overflows please (not HOB)


Premium Member
I need some pics of an external overflow. I DO NOT WANT PICS OF A HANG ON BACK OVERFLOW. I'm getting my new tank built and the company isn't 100% sure how to do it. So if you have any pics of your overflow, preferably from the back showing the seams, the holes, etc, that'd be awesome. Also a pic of where the water overflows out into it.
I would be very worried if a tank-building company does not know how to design and build an external overflow.
Please keep the thread on topic... anyone have pics?

The company that is building my tank does not generally deal with individuals.. they work mostly with large orders for LFS's and national pet chains. Most nat'l pet chains don't have very custom tanks such as these for holding fish.
dude it isnt tough... i am sure you could just draw it out for them.... I mean it is a notch in the tank itself and then a "box" built on the outside of the tank.... with the holes drilled in the bottom to drain...
From Jrowe's tank.... good example I would assume
