need pump help/recomendation for SPS tank


New member
I am starting a custom 40 gallon BB cube to be SPS dominated. I am trying to figure out the best pump to use to drive my return/circulation. All pumps will be hidden in a rear overflow.

I currently have a Rio 17HF that is rated at about 1000GPH. Everyone is telling me that this pump is both not strong enough and that it is kind of crappy. That's fine, i have no problem getting a new pump.

So i've been looking around and i'm not sure what i should get exactly. First let me explain how i am going to plumb this.

I'm planning to use 3/4" loc-line off of the pump. from there it will Y off to 2 1/2" loc-line segments. the segments will have 1 90 degree bend to get over the back wall of the tank, then will go straight out along the trim at the top of the tank on either side. On these straight pieces i'm going to have 2 or 3 tapered outlets for the water to come out of.

So now i need to know what pump do you think i should use? Can i accomplish this using 1 pump? I'd really like to only use 1 if possible.

I was looking at the Mag-Drive 18 pump that is rated at 1800GPH. do you think that this pump is too strong/not strong enough/just right. should i look at a different submersible pump? any advice would be greatly appreciated.
A submersible that large is going to add a LOT of heat to a tank that small. Also running PVC until the outputs and then running loc line outlets will help conserve flow. If you really need to use a submersible pump I would go with an Eheim. Otherwise I would recomend an Iwaki, Pan World or GenX depending on your budget.
hth, Chris
budget really isnt too much of an issue. power, noise, and heat are.

i looked at a few eheim pumps, the strongest one i could find was 900GPH which is definitely not going to be enough flow for an SPS tank. can you make any suggestions for a specific model?
I use a 1262, which is the 900gph model and the largest, for the return on my 90. You will probably be better off going with a smaller return pump than you are thinking about and adding a couple of powerheads, or even better a closed loop, for additional flow.
i am unable to run a close loop and i am trying to avoid running additional powerheads. I personally think they are ugly in the display. and if i'm adding a close loop pump or additional power heads, arent i going to be dealing with around the same power usage/heat issues as running a larger return pump in the first place?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6884258#post6884258 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aural
i am unable to run a close loop and i am trying to avoid running additional powerheads. I personally think they are ugly in the display. and if i'm adding a close loop pump or additional power heads, arent i going to be dealing with around the same power usage/heat issues as running a larger return pump in the first place?

Not really, running a closed loop using an external pump will add allmost no heat to the water.Also using prop type powerheads that consume very little electricity is an option. A large external pump would work for your flow needs and not add much heat to the water. If you choose to go with the large submersible pump you will most likely have to add a chiller.
I would make sure your drain can handle a mag 18. If noise is a issue you may want to run like a mag 9.5 and a close loop or power head.
tank isnt drilled for an extrenal closed loop and powerheads are ugly. c'mon, there has to be other options.
okay well i really dont know much at all about external pumps then... what would you suggest?
Have you thought about drilling the tank and adding a corner overflow? It will save you a bunch of headaches down the road to have a sump and just make your life easier for the skimmer etc.....

Here is a pic of my 40 breeder frag tank.

I had a local glass shop drill it for $25 and bought the piece of black acrylic for ~ $7 and cut it and siliconed it in place myself. The durso parts and bulkhead cost about $30. A 20 high or long tank can be used as a sump(will fit under a standard stand). Silicone a few acrylic baffles in place and you have a nice little setup. Just thought I would throw that out there:)

I use a Mag 7 for the return(will buy an Eheim 1260 soon) and have a couple of Maxi jet 1200's in there and that's more than enough flow. I will probably also add a Sea Swirl to the return sometime in the future. Of course you could just use the return pump and the powerheads and skip all the rest:)

If you wanted to go with a closed loop instead of the powerheads this will give you an idea of how to build one on a slightly smaller scale. I would use something other than a Mag but that's just me:

If you want to use one large external pump for flow I would suggest an Iwaki or Pan World

hth and good luck, Chris