Need recommendation on increasing system volume


Premium Member
I have decided to more that double the volume of my system by placing a large sump and refugium in the garage and plumbing it through my crawl space back to my tank. I will be adding over 210 gallons each to my 120 gallon tank and to my 92 Corner. My main reason for doing this is ease of maintenance, system stability and reducing the risk of spillage indoors. However, I need some recommendations.

a) My 92 corner is about 70 ft (horizontal) and about 7ft (vertical ) to the new sump. 5ft of the vertical height is indoors before it gets to the crawl space and then another 2 ft drop over 70 ft to the sump. Will I have a problem in the drain to the sump?

b) I need a recommendation of an efficient, submersible pump that can pump 1200 gph 7ft vertical and 20ft horizontal (I do not think heat transfer will be that big an issue because of system volume and want to consider submersible first)

c) Suggestions for raising the height of the skimmer since the Rubbermaid’s are over 2ft?

d) I would also like to have the same setup for my 92 Corner but I am concerned that by sharing one sump for two displays I could increase the chance of disease spreading if I have an occurrence. Is this concern warranted?

Thanks in advance
A. Mine was ran 26' with no problems. Due to the way the house is built, when coming back up through the crawl space and into the garage 3', I had to tie in a 1.5" vent into the drain system to make it all flow smoothly. Otherwise, no issues.

B. Why submersible? Better pumps out there like a panworld/blueline 55 hp. Ran with 1.5" pipe, you can get about 1000gph at 90 watts...

C. ??? What skimmer? If your running a large NW or beckett, just put it on a table:)

D. Better left to the experts, but good husbandry and proper quarantine should be used as not to introduce problems in the first place... So I don't think it would be any different than having a 300 gallon display:D

Good Luck!
First of all you are going to need an external pump to push water that far and that high.

I drain over 40ft with no problems at all but I return with a Hammerhead. If you don't tie the two systems you are going to need 2 good sized returns.

Expect to spend about 300 each on these pumps.

As for the skimmer. If you insist on an in sump unit... you can get one of those plastic rack shelfs and use only one of the shelf parts with the 4 legs going down into the tank. You can cut the legs to the desired height and have your skimmer at whatever height you wish.

The Reeflo/Sequence pumps (maker of the hammerhead) are very effecent and heat is a non issue with them for the most part.

You dont get the head loss with the horizontal like you do the vertical. Most of your issue will be with the vertical push. You can call Reeflo and explain exactly what you are doing and they will reccommend the correct pump.

BALL VALVES everywhere!!! If you don't put ball valves everywhere you can you will hate yourself for it later! At least 1 before and after each pump, 1 for the drains of the sumps, you may want one on each return and drain line from the tank as well.

Use 1 1/2 inch pvc at least for your drains and returns if you can. Don't forget how much water volume you are going to be adding in 70'+ runs!

Good luck!