Need sand advice for a BB tank!


New member
Quick question what reflects light better from the bottom is it sand or coralline algae on the bottom glass?!

I might add sand... dunno what's best that's clean, white, mp40 friendly....?

I also notice that some sands get dirty and don't reflect light to corals that are hidden...
Are they the crushed coral kind?

I have 2 mp40w in my 156g DT...

Tia... pls suggest
Sand would reflect better since it's white (or light) vs a darker Coraline.

You could use a larger grain sand like special grade, but I use fiji pink and my mp40 seems fine with it across a 4ft tank. If I put the 40 on the back it will move sand in the front of the tank on anything over 35% on a 90g. New sand will move more than established sand

Reef flakes is a good choice too, slightly larger than the caribsea

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