Need snorkel equipment advice

Buckeye ME

In Memoriam
I will be going to Puerto Rico, St Thomas and Grand Cayman for my honeymoon in October. I wanted to get SCUBA certified originally, but it's just not in the plans at this point.

So I'm in the market for two sets of snorkel equipment. I don't need/want anything outrageous, just something good enough for a two week trip that we may be able to keep for a few years.

Really I'd like to keep it under $60/set if possible. Any advice what brands to look for and where to start?
You could get them on line or at a sports authority...or target, wal mart.... If you only want to spend 60 for fins, mask and snorkel then those would be the choice...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10600885#post10600885 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ron Leversee
You could get them on line or at a sports authority...or target, wal mart.... If you only want to spend 60 for fins, mask and snorkel then those would be the choice...
I second that :p
I went to Hawaii on my honeymoon 3 months ago. We found great gear at Costco for $45. (large fins, mask, snorkel, and carrying bag). We even checked the snorkel gear as a bag on our way home. Congrats on the wedding!
If you are seriously considering getting scuba certified later - I would buy better equipment now. It may cost you an extra $100, but it will be pressure rated for the depths you need. My daughters have mask, snorkel, carry bag, whistle, and fin sets from Sams Club - made by Body Glove. I used them in a pinch to do a 30 foot dive and they were not up to the task.

Best of luck in marriage - I hope it is the best decision you have ever made.
Snorkling equipment and dive equipment are two diferent world one thing for sure in any life support equipment don't go cheap like our moto say's DEEP DOWN YOU WANT THE BEST
I've gone on a number of cruises and trips with friends who went the "cheaper" route on snorkeling equipment. This stuff ussually broke the first time they tried to use it and then ended up renting or not being able to go at the next island. If the water time is important I'd go with the good stuff the first time, I've never been dissapointed that we did and I had to buy for two kids as well. If this is your first cruise you will be hooked on them after this anyway, which means more trips to use your good equipment on.
Just want to point out, this is not a cruise, we are island hopping.

I understand not buying the cheapest stuff out there, but I can't see spending $200 on this stuff right now. I want something in between.