New member
Hi everyone *waves* Im new to this forum and I'm enjoying it!
Hoping some more expierienced aquarist can give me some advice.
3 Weeks ago I bought 2 Maroon clowns from my LFS. They were in the same tank together for about 2 weeks in the store.
I took them home and as soon as they were realesed in my 55 gal. tank, there every so slightly bigger one started bullying the other to no end. I have no other fish in the tank and after a few days of the nipping and fin shredding I put the mean fish in a strainer in the tank for a week and let the little one heal. I rearranged a bit and let mean fish back out. dident work. so I returned little fish to the store kept mean fish (solo in her tank) and traded out for a bubble tip anemone.
Ok heres where my questions start! A mere 30 seconds after I had the BTA in the tank (whitch conveniently came attached to a small rock) the maroon went CRAZY. Pure love at first sight. She wiggled in the anemone non stop. lights out a few hours later. maroon is still going at it... VERY vigoresly. No biting at ALL. so in love it wouldent even move to get food unless it was very close to the anemone and her.
So I went to bed everything looked great. When I woke up in the morning and lights went on, the maroon was still wiggling furiously, and the anemone and the fish had moved about 5 inches onto the liverock.
The anemone was VERY shrunk, its tenticles shunk and bright green, and its mouth was all saggy and open and looked very sick.
I couldent get the fish to stay away from it so i caught it (much harder now that it wants the anemone soo bad) and I put it in the strainer agian.
I left immediately after and came back in about two hours. The anemone looked OUTSTANDING, it moved a little higher and wedged itself in a perfect hole in a rock, great light cirrculation, and looks good there too. So I guess my question is.. was the clown killing the anemone? Or is this what a BTA looks like at night? Am I being cruel to my fish?
I turned the lights out tonight (2nd night for bta in tank) and it moved RIGHT away.
It actually moved to the back side of its rock and SUPER close to my power head whitch i thankfully caught and unplugged.
Its still moving around but looks great. Should I let the anemone get settled in before I let the fish out? Ive heard before that maroons can be so aggressive with them that they kill them. what are the chances?
Thanks for reading this Im a stress ball tonight!!!
Hoping some more expierienced aquarist can give me some advice.
3 Weeks ago I bought 2 Maroon clowns from my LFS. They were in the same tank together for about 2 weeks in the store.
I took them home and as soon as they were realesed in my 55 gal. tank, there every so slightly bigger one started bullying the other to no end. I have no other fish in the tank and after a few days of the nipping and fin shredding I put the mean fish in a strainer in the tank for a week and let the little one heal. I rearranged a bit and let mean fish back out. dident work. so I returned little fish to the store kept mean fish (solo in her tank) and traded out for a bubble tip anemone.
Ok heres where my questions start! A mere 30 seconds after I had the BTA in the tank (whitch conveniently came attached to a small rock) the maroon went CRAZY. Pure love at first sight. She wiggled in the anemone non stop. lights out a few hours later. maroon is still going at it... VERY vigoresly. No biting at ALL. so in love it wouldent even move to get food unless it was very close to the anemone and her.
So I went to bed everything looked great. When I woke up in the morning and lights went on, the maroon was still wiggling furiously, and the anemone and the fish had moved about 5 inches onto the liverock.
The anemone was VERY shrunk, its tenticles shunk and bright green, and its mouth was all saggy and open and looked very sick.
I couldent get the fish to stay away from it so i caught it (much harder now that it wants the anemone soo bad) and I put it in the strainer agian.
I left immediately after and came back in about two hours. The anemone looked OUTSTANDING, it moved a little higher and wedged itself in a perfect hole in a rock, great light cirrculation, and looks good there too. So I guess my question is.. was the clown killing the anemone? Or is this what a BTA looks like at night? Am I being cruel to my fish?
I turned the lights out tonight (2nd night for bta in tank) and it moved RIGHT away.
It actually moved to the back side of its rock and SUPER close to my power head whitch i thankfully caught and unplugged.
Its still moving around but looks great. Should I let the anemone get settled in before I let the fish out? Ive heard before that maroons can be so aggressive with them that they kill them. what are the chances?
Thanks for reading this Im a stress ball tonight!!!