Need some help with cooling water from the Big Tank People


New member
I am needing a bit of help here and thought I would start with you big tank people. I am needing to chill a large amount of water 400-600 gallons from ambient temp (82-90) down to 40ish or lower if possible. This is not for an aquarium but thought this would be the best place to see what some thoughts were.

I dont know if an aquarium chiller is the way to go but not sure I want to move up to industrial or commercial applications until I have to...

Thanks for the help
Then I'd say your cheapest bet in the long run would be to work up some sort of geothermal system. Kind of expensive to build but it'll be a lot cheaper than a chiller in the long run. I wonder what your average ground temps are.
For much less cost than the titanium exchangers A German company makes a plastic heat exchanger designe for 1500W+ applications. Cooling source could be a std A/C compressor or geothermal unit.

I'm drawing a blank on the site, it was completely in german so the use of google's german - english translator came in handy.
I assume to search for such a beast a english-german translate could be plugged into google's german site.

Otherwise a call to Aquatic eco systems is a good start