Need Some Ideals?


7 Year Newbie
Well I lost 2 fish in the last 3 weeks, Lost my black leopard wrasse, and a sand sifting goby,(I believe a very large bristle warm got them while they were in the sand) I will be going to FAOIS tomorrow and thinking about picking up a new fish. Thinking about a Tang of some type? Any ideals?

If you get a small vlamingi he would be fine in your tank for a while. They are awesome fish. Great personalities and in my experience is will cause zero issues. They are eating machines, I've never heard of people having the same problems with them as people do purples, achilles, and the powders. They aren't ick magnets, they don't chase, etc etc etc.
If you get a small vlamingi he would be fine in your tank for a while. They are awesome fish. Great personalities and in my experience is will cause zero issues. They are eating machines, I've never heard of people having the same problems with them as people do purples, achilles, and the powders. They aren't ick magnets, they don't chase, etc etc etc.

Thanks, Nice looking fish.
My vlamingi went from 2" to 7" and an inch thick in about a year. I felt he outgrew my 300 and looked cramped so I removed him. Very nice fish though. Only chased away other fish at feeding time (fed 3x a day).
Tominis are cool. Have you tried angels before? Look into potters. Both my flame and potters love nori.


Sorry for crappy pic....My phone suxs.


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Ya I all ways wanted one. Cool looking fish... Now i just have to make sure I keep him
He should be fine I have a one spot foxface that's the hardiest fish in my tank he eats like a pig..