Need to borrow or buy a stock tank, 50-100 gallons


New member
Breaking down my tank this coming weekend, and need to set up a temp tank to keep the remaning coral and live rock alive pending sale. Anyone got a stock tank in the 50-100 gallon range I can borrow for a month or so? Or have a used one to sell?
Breaking down my tank this coming weekend, and need to set up a temp tank to keep the remaning coral and live rock alive pending sale. Anyone got a stock tank in the 50-100 gallon range I can borrow for a month or so? Or have a used one to sell?

Best advice is Craigslist. Always good deals on there
Not coming up with anything closer than Fort Myers on CL.

Not sure if your looking for drilled or not
This isnt half bad of a deal

I just purchased a 65g off craigslist for 10 bucks at a local garage sale. Needed to be resealed. 10$ for silicone and a few hours of my time worked out great. Currently have it at a family members house with all my fish/rock (my 72g main tank is at my condo sealed up because they are tenting for termites :mad2:)

Also bought a 135G dual overflow last thursday off craigslist for 100 bucks. But I did have to drive to pt st lucie for that one