need to build a shed for 900g tank sump outside


Reefer Enthusiast
i need to make a shed/casing for an outside sump. it needs to hold possibly two 150 gallon rubbermaid troughs. maybe something like 7ft by 4ft by 4ft (or 5ft). itll be against the wall of the house and the pipes come from in the ground.
i have never made anything like this before but everyones gota start somewhere.
here is an idea i came up with (made it on paint please be kind)

any ideas on how to get access into it and by the way i am on a budget so other ideas other than this one would be greatly appreiciated
by the way, the black are shingles and the circle thing near the roof is a vent (one on each side)
how much are they? i need something that wont cost me an arm and a leg, maybe under 200 dollars
I think I have a little experience with sheds outside the house and they are not very simple and not cheap either, I guess it is possible to do it in a budget, but first a few questions before we go all crazy planning this;
Who are you?
what is this shed for?
do you already have the pipes coming from under the ground?
are you going to need electrical?
And last, you are going from a 24 nano to a tank that needs a 900 gallon sump, is this correct?
haha, ok my nano is my private tank, the 900 gallon tank (not sump, my bad on the wording) is my friends in which is just wasting away in his house not being used. I decided that i can make it my project to get it up and running for him. he had the tank going for 3 years but didnt really have such great success with it. thats where i come into play.
the plumbing is already setup in the ground and everything, it was being run through a 30 gallon wetdry (i was speechless when i saw it)
the casing that is was in was a wooden box that just rotted away. so before i decide to start the tank up again i am going to make a much better setup for the sump (rubbermaid trough) using the shed as a fish room.
the electrical is already taken care of since it was once running before and is still there like it was when he shut it off.
sorry for being vague.
i have searched everywhere online for a shed that would hold it but nothing under 300 dollars. so i assume making the shed would be best. doesnt need to be amazing, just something that would last outside in miami.
the only thing, I can think on is to make the floor with cinder blocks or lay the cement, either way you will need to level the floor and either lay some sand and place the cinder blocks next to each other forming the floor of the structure or make a wood square using 2X4's and mix the cement and pour, you will need a lot of cement at least 30 bgs.
Then just build a roof with 2x4's plywood and the shingles. I would skip the walls, I dont think you ned them if you are going to have rubbermaid tubs
hmm, i think the cement part will be the easy part, the actual owner of the house might lay the cement herself if i can beg her enough.
no walls? wouldnt that be bad if all sorts of debris in the air would get into the tank. i was thinking maybe some sort of plastic for the walls, something cheap. i am a little concerned about the heat but then i thought if i have a fan going it'll be ok. since it is running over 900 gallons of water.
possibly 4 - 4x4s for the structure, each a foot in the ground, layed with cement around it. followed by the 2x4, plywood, and shingle roof.
i see what you mean about not having the walls, maybe having a light wall from keeping leaves and such from falling in and decomposing in the water (its under abunch of trees)
Are permits going to be needed for this? To me it sounds like it could be a disaster if the proper construction techniques are not used....
you know i would like to change the title but im not sure how, its not a 900 gallon sump, its a 900 gallon tank with a need for an outside sump, my bad,
oh and husky i have a husky as well, looks exactly like that one with one blue and one brown eye
dude thats perfect, i found one the exact size of my dimensions, i appreciate it, now i just need to figure out how much it is total shipped.
I think they sell those locally (Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.)

Click the link that says 'Where to Buy?'
ok well the guy that owns this tank just told me that he is not spending that much on the shed, so it looks like im making it. its probably not gonna be like i wanted it but itll have to do. oh well. so back to the drawing plans. ill post some pictures sometime soon. thanks for your help guys
i know, seriously, but i'm pretty sure i wont be able to pay for a 900 gallon tank, nor would i have enough money to keep it up. Hes got plenty of money, quite a scrooge i must say, hopefully i can get him started on this thing already.
I think I might know who you are talking about...

Without giving too much away (in case it's not the same person), what does he do for a living?