need to control mushroom growth!!!!!


New member
I"m not sure what it is with my tank, but the mushrooms are out of control. If anyone knows of anything that I can use to control these things I would appreciate any info.
Trade them to someone who wants them. If the mushrooms are splitting and multiplying then they are happy. So the only way to thin out your population is to trim them down and frag them out. Some people wish they had your problem. :)
I have exactly the same problem. Growing like mad and overtaking much more expensive and IMO nicer corals. I actually moved one covered rock to my fuge and the other I am continually having to trim. Its a PITA.. Is there any way to completely eradicate them once I trim them back?
I am trying to get some pics. I have literally took rocks out of my tank and scrubbed them with a hard nylon brush rinsed in cold tap water and within a week there are babies on it again.

Don't get me wrong I like the shrooms, but not a gazillion of em. As far as fragging goes, I have gave some to every person I know has a reef tank, traded them to LFS for other coral or store credit, and honestly when a LFS will give me 2 bux per polyp and turn around and sell them for 15-20 it gets frustrating. I know that LFS have ALOT of money in upkeep, and quite honestly I don't mind hookin em up sometimes, but other times it gets frustrating.

I have hit em with joes juice, boiling water in a syringe, scrubbing, razor blades, prayer-- I am out of options. If anyone is interested, and from around Fort Wayne,Ind. Come get some!!!
Joes Juice doesnt work :). Mushrooms take over 1/3 of my tank. And the mushrooms I have are HUGE! I trim them off and there are new ones forming. Only if rics could multiply as fast as mushrooms so we wouldnt have to pay 50 bucks a polyp.
Have you guys tried using kalkwasser? Make a strong mix of it, so it becomes pasty. Inject them with that, I have done it before with sucess. Good luck guys!
-Kyle Kaz
I have the same problem with one of my tanks and i was told to remove the corals that I would like to keep and put them in another tank . Then put a queen angle in the tank and it will eat them.
I have not been able to find one yet locally. Has anyone else heard if this would work
Spred them around you never know when the government will step in and stop collection of everything like they did the wild liverock in Fla.