I am trying to get some pics. I have literally took rocks out of my tank and scrubbed them with a hard nylon brush rinsed in cold tap water and within a week there are babies on it again.
Don't get me wrong I like the shrooms, but not a gazillion of em. As far as fragging goes, I have gave some to every person I know has a reef tank, traded them to LFS for other coral or store credit, and honestly when a LFS will give me 2 bux per polyp and turn around and sell them for 15-20 it gets frustrating. I know that LFS have ALOT of money in upkeep, and quite honestly I don't mind hookin em up sometimes, but other times it gets frustrating.
I have hit em with joes juice, boiling water in a syringe, scrubbing, razor blades, prayer-- I am out of options. If anyone is interested, and from around Fort Wayne,Ind. Come get some!!!