need to empty fragtank...stuff fs


In Memoriam
I've got a ton of stuff in my fragtank that I kinda need out. I'm planning on redoing some stuff which requires draining the tank. I'm hoping to do this sooner than later. corals include:
superman monti
idaho grape cap
ora german blue polyp digi
miami orchid (was told thats what it was)
tons and tons of zoas
a couple challice pieces
hydno...encrusting and branching
a bunch of acros I "acquired" at the swap. don't really know
what they are
bunch of encrusting monti frags from the swap
couple shrooms
1 frag of my table acro
+i'm sure theres more.

I don't really have any pictures, but if you really need a specific pic I could take one. free for the rest of the week anytime between noon and midnight.

I will not be "giving" these away, but prices will be reasonable.
I'd be interested in tabling acro and miami orchid depending on where you got it from. I won't be around for 2-3 weeks, but you can always give my frags to matt to hold for me (even though we both know he'll nip off the tips and regrow them for himself :p ).
everything i got from the swap did so good (except the slimmer :p ) that i wanna try some encrusting monti's ...shoot me a pm with prices if u want
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encrusting monti's will be $10/frag. first to come gets the bigger pieces. lol.

no pd's or nukes...soon!!! but not now.

treeman...sending pm.
well im definitly interested but wont be able to come by till the weekend! id like some bigger pieces if possible.. i dont mind paying a little extra



just to show how much i've gotta get rid of. the bulkhead is a little leaky and the way the eggcrates setup it's all gotta come out to tighten/replace the bulkhead. and theres not much room in my other tanks for the frags. EEEK! but the problem is I spent a lot of money on all this and can't just give it away.



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I am interested in a lot of everything. The only problem is that I am not available to go till monday. A friend and I would love some of everything. I would especially love some of the montis and the Grape. Can you save 2 frags?