Need to identify this organism.


New member
Rogger is going to post a picture of some organisms that are on the inside of my glass. They are definately not copepods, but we have no idea what they are. Can anyone identify them?


I dunno what they are but both times I set up a new tank with aragalive sand I saw them on the glass for weeks.
not sure but ive had them as well ... look like little mini anemones almost right?? with little balls on the tips
i had them on the side of my frag tank, they did no harm to anything. mine where more of a brownish tint and showed up after a month or so.
I added something called "reef bugs" about 3 days ago to feed the tank, but I have added the stuff before and have never had these.
i have them too and did not use live sand did one water change with nsw but other than that all prre mixed salt water from lfs
instant ocean i believe
jellfish huh cooooooooooooollllllllll
It's a Hydroid Jellyfish, and I've had them almost on all newly setup tanks I've had. They're harmless and will disappear over time.
Well thanks for all the input. I agree they are probably the hydroid jellyfish you guys mentioned. I'm glad to know there is nothing to worry about.
