Negative effects of RED BUGS

Stoney Mahony

New member
Well, another thread got CLOSED before I could post up my pics so here are some of my acros that were definitely effeted by the RB's. Please post up pics and findings from your NEGATIVE red bug experiences. I want to see pics of corals that have lost PE and/or color.

Here are some before/after pics that clearly show what redbugs can and did do.






And here is a pic of my MILLE, It looks great b/c the red bugs don't mess with it and that's exactly why I don't want to see a bunch of nice red bug mille pics on this thread.....b/c it's been well reported that milles still look great with a RB infestation!
Hey, thanks for posting the pics, I see your point now.

Though I am not seeing effects on mine right now I will keep an eye out on them. But as I said in the other thread I couldn't treat right now if I wanted to given my health. But I will try some of the "said" natural predators like the pipefish and possum wrasse's a sin Menard's tank.

I am realy bad with naming the exact SPS names, would you know of a good book that would help me out? I think it would be a great start to try and post pics of corals that are effected more then others so at least we know the danger of how some are effected vs others. And from there maybe we could figure out what makes these corals different.

Like you said no need to post picks of Mille's.
I didnt take pics of my before and after experience. but I had a tricolor that was brown with zero polyp extension. since Ive treated its a beautiful purple again and it bright green neon polyps fully extended.. I think another important issue thats been kicked around is the negative effects on the system that is being treated. Yes interceptor will kill all the pods and other good crustaceans... but they return. six weeks after my treatment my pods are coming back in a big way. i hope the bugs dont, so far so good.. i posted a poll a while back about this very sore subject . The results of the poll show the majority of interceptor users were happy with the results and had no ill effects.. Im going to bump it..
Now thats an infestation . I have never had numbers like that on my corals. I guess with my flow 3x6200's ,3x6100's and a wavebox is too much to handle .
I had close to 70x and those puppies are getting blasted. The frickin RB's ran around like it was a circus. I also only have a clown, rainsford goby and starry blenny and none of them would touch them. Like I said, some corals were fine but they LOVED others. Species they loved in my tank was the Yellow tort(austera). Then that small green frag thats an unknown, a brown/neon green polyp garf bonsai, Lokani(or caroliniana...still in debate), and stags. My Paletta Blue was infested but still had FPE, same with my blue torts and many others.

Ohhhh....and I forgot to mention. Those pics are 5 weeks after I introduced 1 RB infected frag. I know b/c I take 1000's of pictures and it's very easy to see. They must have really been gettin busy . :eek1:
Sorry no pics.
But I did have an interesting experience with the red bugs--most notably in my frag tank. I have small red bug infestation in my display tank--corals still look good and the population on the worst infected corals was around 1 bug/1-2 in. I took a bunch of frags out of my display and transferred them into my new frag tank. Almost immediatley, the bug population in the frag tank went through the roof! Populations reached over 20 bugs/in!
I'm wondering why the population in the display never have grown so much.
Anyways, I've treated the frag tank with Interceptor and it worked great. It's like night and day. Frags look 100% better.
I'm preparing to treat the display so I can cut frags without the risk of reinfecting the frag tank.
Reminds me--anyone know how to catch a blood shrimp? :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8158809#post8158809 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by grallster

Reminds me--anyone know how to catch a blood shrimp? :)

Use 1/2 or 3/4 inch tubing and tape a small piece of food to the end. Start the siphon out of the tank into a bucket but hold your thumb over the end. When the shrimp comes up for the food, move your thumb and he gets sucked bye bye. :cool:
Awesome! Thanks for sharing, those are good pics and thats exactly what i'm looking for. Looks like an awesome recovery man, good job! Thanks everybody alse for sharing!

Grallster, I swear I bet the RB's in your QT must have had a big spawn and that's why their population grew so fast. Mine seemed to happen the same time as a mass stometella spawning in my tank. There is a good chance that it has to do with lunar cycles, water temps, ect as with other marine creatures like my stometella's which always spawn around a full moon(Yes, I have 100's).

Keep them coming reefers!
Mel-- is that frag in the lower right of the picture the one you got from me?? if so it looks like it is doing great!! how is it coloring up?? mine isnt doing too hot, idk whats goin on..
Ya that's the one... it's starting to encrust at the base and is getting a green tint. If it does good I'll get a frag of it back to ya to see if it does any better at that point.

(sorry for the sidetrack guys...)

Tony, did you get any pics during your RB experience at all?
i think i may have.. i will check.. it was not that bad as i caught it early.. but, unfortunately a frag i got from someone RTN'd on me.. since then a lot of my acros are slowly dying some faster than others.. that particular coral we were talking about is not doing well at all.. it is slowly creeping up the base, i fragged it completely re mounted and it is still doing it.. idk what to do.. i just recently lost my blue slimer.. big colony.. i have no RB or AEFW... i have dipped with TMPCC, nothing falls off.. i check with a flashlight at night and see nothing.. i have checked for eggs, bite marks..nothing.. it starts at the base and wiorks its way up.. ca is 460, alk 9.8, ph 8.2, amm 0, ni 0, na 0.. i do weekly water changes of 1/2 Reef crystals, 1/2 Tropic marin pro reef.. all my LPS are doing great.. as well as 1/3 of the SPS, its just a few that i am losing.. idk what to do..i have tied everything and i am at a loss.. but i know i do not have RB, or AEFW.. anything else i should try??
flow is pretty intense.. its a 54 corner with 550 from the return, 2 820's and a 620.. i suspected that may be it as i have not tested for that yet.. i do feed kinda heavy.. my millis look great though, along with my lokani and blue tort a few other unknowns as well.. its werid.. i dont want to make it sound terribly bad.. its not but a few are/and or did die.. i'll test for phos.. come to think of it yes a few of the skeletons did turn or were turning green.. what should i do about that??
Great pics! Made me just start uncontrollably itching... Did that acro survive?

Tony - water changes w/ good water and I used that PuraPhos stuff from CF w/ great results (change it out regularly). Also pre-rinsing/draining frozen food works well to avoid adding PO4 to the tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8161849#post8161849 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefdood
what a beautiful coral!! Where did you get that one!?! And do you happen to know what sp. it is?
Awesome! :)