Nerite Snail Eggs Hatching?


New member the title says...I have a 125g reef tank (well mostly fish and LR with a few corals sprinkled in atm...but I'm working on it, lol) that has about 8-10 black nerite snails. They have done what nerites do, and proceeded to cover my live rock with hundreds of their white "egg cases", which to my understanding never actually produce any offspring.

While looking at my tank the other night (just moonlights on), I noticed 1, then2, then 3....and the more I look, the more I saw..but I would estimate 40-50 very small, pinhead size snails all over the live rock. they are white/clear shells and the shell shape is very similar to a nerite.

I may be wrong, but the only other snails in this tank are dwarf ceriths, so my assumption is that the nerite egg cases have actually hatched? Does anyone have any experience with this?

And yes - I realize pictures would probably help immensely, unfortunately all I have is a cell phone which isn't advanced enough to take a proper photograph of what I am looking at. (*Side note - if anyone can recommend a decent beginners camera, send me a pm).

So - thoughts?
Those could be colonista snails. Very common and beneficial. They typically only come out at night and eat algae. The don't really get much bigger than a millimeter or so across.

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