Never seen so many purples!


New member
Just left Fishes of Eden. They were getting Red Sea. I couldnt believe the amount of purple tangs they got in. I havent been there in a while but it look like they a getting things going.
Dang - what time were you there? I was there right around 12:45-1pm, right as Bernard started opening the bags for the drip.

I'm getting one on the way home today.

I'll answer in case - I think Bernard said $50/ea.
They're all about the same size, pretty much.
I would venture to say about 3-4" long, roughly

Oh, he also got in some Sohal Tangs at $100/ea.
About same size, 3-4" or thereabouts.

OK - I just spoke with Bernard, and he gave me a "guesstimate" last night on the Tangs. They are $75, but he said he can hook us up, as Devindman said.

Issue is, he didn;t know what the total freight would be, when I spoke with him last night.

Coincidentally, if you guys need crabs, he's got BIG Sally's and Emeralds. I got a Sally from him last night that's gotta be near 2" wide!!

I'm sneaking out a bit early (right. 6:05pm.) to go get one of these. Anyone else heading over? I should be there between 6:45 - 7:30. Drive a grey Tundra.

Got the PT, dripped him, and put him in.

My yellow-eye tang won;t leave him alone - is this just a tank dominance thing? Or is it non-ending? They said at FoE that they would be OK together in a 72g. They're doing the tail-dance thingie.

The Yellow-eye Tang is the aggressor, and a little bit smaller.
Hasn;t shown any agression towards other fish (Foxface Lo, Half-Half Wrasse, Goldenhead Sleeper Goby, Chromis, Columbian Shark)

My lights just came on and the purples are doing great.

Sharkonwheels the tail dance is common with tangs. Did you turn off the light when you added the purple.

My yellow tang chases one of my purples, but they will work it out.
Yeah - tank lights were out, only dimmed dining room light
about 25ft away.

Seems they sorted it out.

Now, the PT is messing with the FoxFace.

Not only that, I was putting in some coral, and I shoo'd away the PT from me, and it went after my finger doing the tail-dance!

Brave little sucker! My wife was absolutely cracking up!!!!

Looks like they settled down. The only time there is any problem, is when all 3 (Purp Tang, Yellow-Eye Tang, and Foxface Lo) end up in the same little nook or gap.

Other than that, the PT is a nice, lively fish. Beautiful colors on them.
