New 105mm Macro VR lens


New member
Takes a great deal of practice and patience to get a decent image, but when you do, the details are really intense.





Marco Pics

Marco Pics

These are much sharper Max. It's a delicate dance trying to tweak DoF settings, WB, etc. Always seems like I either have shots with great focus thoughout (but color is off), or vice versa. You're right though, it takes patience and practice. I just finished cleaning my glass; gonna shut of the PH's and return pump in a few so I can take some more pics with that focusing rail this evening.

Also re-positioned my Tub's Blue's rock <-- they are my target this evening....

Yeah, this focus/color part is really irritating. Part of the reason I keep using this particluar blasto is that it's the only coral I can capture correct color. I have a huge Tyree War coral that will be my next photo victim...LOL...
I figure that I'm doing OK with my skills, only had the camera a few weeks. Amazing how much there is to learn.

what camera body are you using?

if you have one w/ wireless commander mode, take an sb600 or 800, put a nice diffuser on it and remote fire it from above your fish tank.

see how that works for you,

I'm using a d40, I will be upgrading to d80 or 200 in a few months! as I now see all the limitations of a starter DSLR.
I've only had the camera and been taking pics for a few weeks, just now starting to play around with the settings.
Here's the latest round of zoa macros

I'm starting to think that the actual optics of the glass used on the aqurium is part of the problem, abberations, waves etc...I'm going to make a floating tray and do some "top down" macros shooting thru the water as opposed to thur glass and see if it makes a difference.
These are my all time favorite zoa's, the green is actually almost a matt green with purple mouth,..not a fast grower but worth the money..

These are almost a reverse of the ones above, colors are way off in this image.



yeah, shooting through glass is a pain, esp. if it's not starfire. acrylic is more forgiving. you pretty much have to shoot straight through the glass, going at an angle can cause problems...

anyway, if you're in the market for a d200, you might as well get the d300... :)

I'm not sure if it has commander, so you might have to add on an su800.
just discovered F stop settings and how to bracket shots. Pretty amazing how you can play with depth of field and color. Here are some shots using a macro slider and manual F stops
The polyps on this one are microscopic, almost look like little grains of sand, care to guess what it is?


Even the lowly Yellow Polyp needs some respect everyonce in a while


Tiny little frag of Superman, this one was actually a little crub that was left over after a fragging party, decided to glue it to some rubble and the it survived, originally this was maybe 2-3 polyps and about .18"
