New 125 fowler stocking


Premium Member
I have upgraded to a 125 with 140 lbs of LR, 150 gallon ASM skimmer, 45 gallon sump. No refugium yet, but will add. I currently have a 5 inch foxface, 2- 4 inch engineer gobies, 2 inch kole tang, 6 line wrasse, and a royal gramma. I was gonna add a pair of ocellaris clowns and be done, but hubby wants a "big, blue fish". Any suggestions? I want to stock lightly.
i would not add the powder blue til the tank is past its 8 month mark, they have a misrepresentation for being delicate because people like to add them right after cycling (i am really getting sick of these insistant idiots at the store...) regal blue tangs are nice but everybody has a dorie. why not a school of BLUE chromis? they woudl be striking in a tank like yours, would be light on the bio load, an d play well with others (unlike damsels)
I've been looking at the chromis- really pretty and cool in a school. I'm willing to wait an a powderblue, and QT him, ect... would a secong tang get along with my kole tang?
the kole tang is also called a bristle-tooth or yellow-eyed tang. Ctenochaetus tang- brown-purple with light blue stripes and spots, and a yellow ring around his adorable yellow eye.
depends on the species. i would stay away from the more aggressive species like sohol clown and achilles, but you could do a regal blue, yellow, purple, or naso in your tank an do just fine.
absolutely neither species gets over 8 inches long, and your tank is 6ft long. with a combination of plenty of open water area to swim and plenty of caves to take refuge in they will be happy together for the rest of their days.