New member
Hello everyone, I've been into keeping saltwater tanks for over a year now and just got the green light to set up a 180g tank in my basement. Since I already have a 55g reef and don't want to deal with the hassle or costs of a huge reef I'm deciding to stick with a fowlr tank for right now. I already have a yellow tang I'm going to have to move to the 180 when it gets set up, but other than that I need help selecting fish for it. I'll have about 230-250g total water volume with the sump included and plan to have an oversized skimmer.
Here's my ideal stocking list: (Feel free to make suggestions or additions)
1. Yellow Tang (already have it so it needs to be in here)
2. Kole Tang
3. Volitan Lionfish (maybe a pair?)
4. Achilles Tang (not anytime soon, maybe one day)
and maybe either a puffer, trigger, eel or large angel. I think i read that puffers and triggers are usually not recommended with lions, but is there any combo that would work? Would any large angels fit long term in a 180? And could I possibly put another tang in?
Thanks for your help!
Here's my ideal stocking list: (Feel free to make suggestions or additions)
1. Yellow Tang (already have it so it needs to be in here)
2. Kole Tang
3. Volitan Lionfish (maybe a pair?)
4. Achilles Tang (not anytime soon, maybe one day)
and maybe either a puffer, trigger, eel or large angel. I think i read that puffers and triggers are usually not recommended with lions, but is there any combo that would work? Would any large angels fit long term in a 180? And could I possibly put another tang in?
Thanks for your help!