New 190 gallon custom build


love the pretty sticks
Premium Member
Hey guys,

It's been awhile, but I am finally getting back into the semi-large tank group.:beer: Back in 2002, I had a 200 gallon sps tank for awhile, but since then I have had 2 kids and moved quite a bit, so I am just now back to the point where I am ready for a substantial tank. I have missed it sooo much! On Thursday, I ordered my tank, a custom build by Deep Sea Aquatics here in Dallas. The measurements are 60.5x30.5x24. The front of the tank will be starphire, as only the front will really be viewable. This tank will not be rimless, as my better half will not allow me to have the tank without a canopy.:furious:

This will be my build thread, but every thread needs pictures, so here is a picture of some deliveries I have already received for this tank!


This will be a predominately SPS tank; it will actually probably be SPS only. I look forward to documenting the build, and as I go, I look for the expertise of all of you others on here to help me through this process. Until later...
Nice batch of stuff! Dims of the new tank sound cool, tagging along for this one!

Thanks Muttley; I'm super excited and ready to get this going. That leads me to my first of many questions. This tank will be going into an alcove in my breakfast room. This is the main reason I went with a 60 inch tank, as the alcove is just about 70 inches long. The problem I have is that I have my 75 gallon in this exact spot. I am wondering what the best way to transfer the tanks would be, and I have a couple of options. First of all, I could put all of the fish, corals, and rocks into rubbermaids and do the move in one day. The second option is that I could move the 75 gallon to a different, temporary location, set it back up just as it is, and have time to set up the 190 right. Obviously, this would be better, except I will be putting the inhabitants through stress twice. What do you guys think?