NEW 225 (5x3x2) - PIC HEAVY


New member
Well the time is finally here. I've upgraded my 75 gallon to a 225. Dimensions are 5'x3x2. I got it from Extreme Aquariums here in Indianapolis.

We should start from the beginning - here's my old system:
75 gallon w/ plumbed in 100 gallon stock tank.



Here's the new tank. The stand was built with the help of my buddy ( who has power tools). He was my roomate in college when I first started getting into reefs so he knows some about it but neither of us have ever built an aquarium stand before.

The result:



Then I conned the fiance into helping me prime and seal it. Sealing it was the main concern as to maintain as much integrity as possible. I used killz 2 latex. Got most of it but did miss a few places.


Filling it was the next task. It took forever! I made all new water but did about 50% water changes from the old tank to add bacteria to the water ASAP. I added a heater and a maxi jet for good measure.


Then came the plumbing - the also took forever. Most of the time spent was planning and runing to lowes for parts! The condidions were that I wanted a refugium, a frag tank, and a skimmer all gravity fed. Here's what I came up with.


The first outlet directly under the overflow is the skimmer feed. The second is for the sump, the third is for the frag tank (will sit behind the stand), and the forth is for the refugium which will sit under the stand on the shelf.


All filled up!


Here a shot of the skimmer. It's a Deltec 851. I'm not getting the flow I need through it but I know why. The skimmer sits a little high and there are two 90 degree elbows after the gate valve. I'll fix it before long but as you can see the proof is in the nog!




BTW I used edens reef flakes for the sand. This stuff is the bomb. I didn't even rinse it and the water was still almost clear. Just thoguth I would add that in because other sands I've used require a TON of rinsing or your tank will be cloudy for days.

The next big thing was moving all the livestock. Don't have any pics of us moving but it sucked. I still haven't got the radiant wrasse from the other tank. The rocks aren't in their final places yet but good enough for now. I want to show some more depth in the tank and all the rocks are basically right down the middle of the tank...

Then came lighting. I'm using 2 x 250 watt MH. 1 10k XM and the other is a 10 k reeflux. I got them both at Premium Aquatics' yard sale really cheap (like $5). The XM is great but the Reeflux has a reddish tint just as others have observed on other threads. I've decided to upgrade lighting but not right now. I put this together jsut to "make it work."


Also got the refugium online:



The new tank almost complete. All I need to do now is transfer over the Deltec PF601 Calcium reactor and setup the Rowaphos reactor. The Deltec is fed with an Aqualifter pump and I already have the Rowaphos reactor plumbed off the main return. Should be easy enough.

Here you go -






I know my camera sucks. I'm looking at getting a Nikon DSLR soon but that may have to wait.

Feel free to make suggestions or comments. The frag tank isn't setup yet but it is a ~25 gallon acrylic tank with rounded front corners. I'll have 1 or 2 tunze nanos to keep everyting in there happy.
Great tank and Great DIY Job Why did you use pressure treated wood,( just asking) I thought I read somewhere pressuse treated wood was a no-no for a stand.
great looking reef! i really like your fuge set up...quite clever. what's the story with the sand? i've never heard of it. is it like southdown?
Good questions all of which I thought of AFTER the fact-

Goldleaf - I wanted to use 4x4s for the corners. At Lowes I only saw pressure treated wood. Well, I found out afterwards that it will shrink. I discussed it with my soon-to-be brother in law ( who is a custom home builder) and he said it "shouldn't" be an issue. This is obviuosly something I'll have to monitor but I also heard that it will shrink more from the sides than it will top to bottom.

Xinumaster - I've been taking readings for about three weeks now and I've got nothing. Remember I used about 50% water from the old tank. Also, I was adding in waste in the form of fish food ( when there were no fish) to keep the bacteria happy. I'm hoping this will minimize or negate the entire cycle. We'll see. I may be calling in a favor from a LFS to house all my stuff if levels start to show.

Doug - The sand is Tropic Edens Mini Flakes. It was late last night when I was typing and I didn't type it right.

Link to Premium Aquatics' Listing


great tank, and that sand looks awesome, I love the way new sand looks, i just wish it would stay that way.
I can find out who made the tank... give me a few days on that one. I have to get with the guys at Extreme Aquarium to find out and they aren't in the store everyday. It is made very well though... like a tank, er, the other kind of tank.