New 2gl Hex Nano - Air lift project

Well that recent cool spell cuased some temp swings in the tank, so i had to plop in the heater, guess this will be common in the winter. Some mushrooms were added and seem to doing well, i have alot of epoxying to do tonight.
Well the epoxy is finished, i will still have to add another piece of lr to finish hiding the air-lift but its looking better. I may eventually get fed up with the small panels and change tank shapes, but that is a small project now that most of the rock will come out in one piece. Lots of small sessile inverts have colonized the tank, macro is growing good, all parameters seem stable. Ill try to post some pics soon.
i added a couple quick shots of the tank as it looks currently to my blog...

You can still see some of the equip in the tank but as its progressing i will have somthing worthy in a couple weeks. Mushrooms, zoa's, and all other inhabitants are doing very well. I need to get more superglue to finally fix the corals in place. I have only done very minor water changes between my main tank and the 2gl, everything is remarably stable considering theres no filtration and i have not had to feed the tank but a tiny piece of food once a week or so to keep everyone happy.