new 56 gal cube


New member
I finally got my new tank up and running and cycled. Only thing I'm not sure on is the light power settings and time points. Right now it's just on one of the preprogrammed settings. Going to get the blue fish once it comes out for the light. Only have two fish right now. Going to be taking it very slow and make sure everything is perfect before I start to corals. Not sure on a stocking list but as you can see I have pipes for an eel. I love them so getting one is a must. Just want to thank everyone on this site for help and just learning all I can for your tanks and knowledge.
Here is what I got my light running at right now. If you have experience with the maxspect please let me no how this looks.
1 0800 0% 0%
2 10 35% 35%
3 1230 85% 85%
4 1530 85% 85%
5 1730 35% 35%
6 2100 0% 0%
How tall is the tank? 85% might be a little high. Also what optics? You're off to a good start, looks nice!
How tall is the tank? 85% might be a little high. Also what optics? You're off to a good start, looks nice!

Tanks is 30×18×24. As for now it has the 90° bit I do have the 120° ordered hopefully be here next week. Thanks learned alot form this forum. Their is so much knowledge here it definitely has been a big help.
Thanks. One day I hope it will look as good as some of them on here.
I here they make a big difference can't wait to get them. No I don't have access to a par meter. I no members do but because of my crazy work schedule I have never made it to a meeting yet. I hope that will change soon.
Tank is coming along nicely. Some new pics of everything. Just want to thank everyone for I got stuff from. I have no clue what zoas those are if anyone could be of any help.