New 75gl Reef AGA Tank


Active member
Here is the new thread, overflow is now working and canopy is nearly complete. Pictures and updates posted on this site:

Well everyone, I finally took down my 30gl reef, but the good news is, its now a 75gl reef! This project has been going on over a month now, building the stand, ordering parts, moving and finally setting the tank up as of nearly a month ago. The stand was built super strong with 3 x two by fours for each of the four vertical leg supports, it is crossbraced and has a floor underneath the cabinet which holds everything off the floor. The display is a brand new AGA 75gl with a cross brace. The sump is a 20gl long, My new overflow has arrived and should be working tomarrow, its a new CPR overflow rated to 800gph, the return is a Rio 1700. I am ordering a new Coralife super skimmer needle wheel 120 to replace the CSS65. There are several maxijets inside the display to supplement flow. I am currently building the canopy which will house the 4 x VHO bulbs, they are 2 x actinic 110w and 2 x 10k 110w. I will be using 55w PC actinics or 50/50's to supplement the VHO's. The reflector is a high reflectivity model sold by coralife. I never got additional rock for the tank becuase of the massive amount i had from my other tanks, so i just consolidated. I used over 80lbs of live sand in the display, a mix of coarse sand and rubble and fine oolite. The sump has an additional 30 to 40lbs of live sand. I also invested in some heavy duty magnetic grips to replace suction cups on my powerheads, so far very happy with them. More updates will come along with better pictures! Keep checking in on stuff!

Re: New 75gl Reef AGA Tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9845469#post9845469 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ryanqk
Here is the new thread, overflow is now working and canopy is nearly complete. Pictures and updates posted on this site:

Well everyone, I finally took down my 30gl reef, but the good news is, its now a 75gl reef! This project has been going on over a month now, building the stand, ordering parts, moving and finally setting the tank up as of nearly a month ago. The stand was built super strong with 3 x two by fours for each of the four vertical leg supports, it is crossbraced and has a floor underneath the cabinet which holds everything off the floor. The display is a brand new AGA 75gl with a cross brace. The sump is a 20gl long, My new overflow has arrived and should be working tomarrow, its a new CPR overflow rated to 800gph, the return is a Rio 1700. I am ordering a new Coralife super skimmer needle wheel 120 to replace the CSS65. There are several maxijets inside the display to supplement flow. I am currently building the canopy which will house the 4 x VHO bulbs, they are 2 x actinic 110w and 2 x 10k 110w. I will be using 55w PC actinics or 50/50's to supplement the VHO's. The reflector is a high reflectivity model sold by coralife. I never got additional rock for the tank becuase of the massive amount i had from my other tanks, so i just consolidated. I used over 80lbs of live sand in the display, a mix of coarse sand and rubble and fine oolite. The sump has an additional 30 to 40lbs of live sand. I also invested in some heavy duty magnetic grips to replace suction cups on my powerheads, so far very happy with them. More updates will come along with better pictures! Keep checking in on stuff!


Looks great if I can make a suggestion and only one is to get a better skimmer for your setup. I know they are expensive but u can get a used skimmer thats 20x better than a coralife!
There's plenty out there to choose- I think Roger was selling his EURO at a very reasonable price, Anyways u can def do better.
Yes i agree the skimmer is my next upgrade, i havnt ordered the skimmer yet so im open to suggestions for a skimmer rated up to at least 100gl and under 23inches tall. My other criterion is it be under 150 bucks. Any suggestions? I have liked my CSS65 it did great on my 30gl but if there is a better model that is not terribly pricey ill go for it...

We finished the canopy and lights yesterday, wow what a difference, really looks like a nice setup now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9853421#post9853421 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ryanqk
Yes i agree the skimmer is my next upgrade, i havnt ordered the skimmer yet so im open to suggestions for a skimmer rated up to at least 100gl and under 23inches tall. My other criterion is it be under 150 bucks. Any suggestions? I have liked my CSS65 it did great on my 30gl but if there is a better model that is not terribly pricey ill go for it...

We finished the canopy and lights yesterday, wow what a difference, really looks like a nice setup now.
There's tons of skimmers in the sales forum cheap-BTW PM Roger to c what price he can give u on his old Euroreef.
That is RogerCastells.;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9854517#post9854517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by titus164
where is this skimmers sale forum??
Used Equipment & Drygoods Selling
Which of these skimmers is better?

Octopus NW-150 Needle-Wheel
Protein Skimmer


Octopus VENTU-100 Shredder
Protein Skimmer

Which one would you go with between the two? I am buying new, these models are within my price range and i've heard good things about them, i was hoping you guys could help me with my selection...
Nevermind, i found the Octo NW-150gl for 139.00 on another site, i think i may go with that model. It fits the dimensions, rated to 150gl and is within my price range, plus ive heard good reviews about octopus skimmers
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9881394#post9881394 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ryanqk
Nevermind, i found the Octo NW-150gl for 139.00 on another site, i think i may go with that model. It fits the dimensions, rated to 150gl and is within my price range, plus ive heard good reviews about octopus skimmers
I've never used that particular model - sorry;)
I went ahead and ordered the octopuss NW-150 ill let yall know how well it works in a month or so lol. I've been reshuffling my livestock, got rid of some zoos i didnt want anymore and removing my hawkfish due to aggresion toward a royal gramma which died due to the injuries. I replaced it with a exquisite wrasse, one of the prettiest fish ive kept i'd say, so my plan is to keep the wrasse, maroon clownfish, engineer gobie, and algae gobie. I will probably get a neon goby, fairy wrasse, royal gramma, radiant wrasse, clown goby, and perhaps a yellow watchman or two
How does this sound?
Also if i were to get a tang, what kind would be best given the tank size? I was hoping to keep a regular yellow tang, but i dont want to **** off the tang police...
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I purchased 3 wrasses from coral reef farm the other day, these three are going to be my pride and joy, a solon fairy wrasse, radiant wrasse and exquisite wrasse. They are 3 1/2 -5 inches long (radiant being the largest) My current fish stocking list now currently also includes a small african exquisite wrasse, yellow and a green clown gobies, a bicolor psued, and my original crew of engineer gobie, algae blennie, maroon clown and hey anenome.
More pictures have been posted at the same above link.....
Yay! You'll have a much better time with the NW-150. It's supposed to be an awesome NW skimmer, especially if you do the mods. Congrats, and let us know how setup goes!
anyone have a link to some of these mods? i still havnt installed it so i could do some mods now if i have the info, i know i need to put in a drain hole in the collection cup so i dont have to unscrew the top every time.... What else is out there?

Also i got some pics of the wrasses and posted them on the same site above, love how the radiant dives in the sand to sleep and night and pops out again in the morning.
Complete Stocking List

Complete Stocking List


This is a up to date livestock list for my 75gl reef tank setup, I wanted to share this list becuase of the good behavior these critters have shown in getting along in my setup and so that others can see for compatibility research. Pictures of the tank are on my site, although the pictures may not be up to date and shown fish i no longer own. The Maroon clown is now in a friends new tank, and the radiant unfortunatly passed away. Wrasses by the way are very hard to photograph becuase they keep moving so damn much lol, but i love the color and personality.

Exquisite Wrasse x 2 (African and Pacific)
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Velvet Multicolor Wrasse
Solarensis Fairy Wrasse
Carpenter Wrasse
Clown Gobies x 2 (Green and Yellow)
Engineer Goby
Royal Dottyback
Algae Blenny

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Sand Sifter Star
Brittle Stars
Bubble Tip Anenome
Assorted Hermit Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Pistol Shrimp
Large Featherduster
Numerous Sponges and Tunicates

Hammer Coral
Assorted Zoanthids
Green Sinularia
Red Carnation Coral
Yellow Polyps
Assorted Green Star Polyps
Assorted Discosoma and Rhodactis Mushrooms
Porite SPS
Pagoda Coral
Candy Cane Coral
Cup Coral

Reticulated Coralline Algae
Assorted Coralline Algae
Red Grape Algae
Mermaids Wineglass
Bubble Algae
Other Unidentified Species
Have your warsse's fought alot, everytime Ive put 2 male fairy's Theve torn each other 2 shreads, and its not the size of the tank I have a 100 gallon. Either way its really cool to see that manny wrasse's in one tank.
yes it took a while to see the results but the solarensis/velvet multicolor/ were both killed by the largest one, a pacific exquisite, all the fighting occured between the fish that were large adults, so all my small wrasses are fine and dont fight. But i am avoiding large sized wrasses becuase they kill each other, i will get those same wrasses again but in small size under 3 inches! I am rather miffed becuase all the fish that died and fought were from one store, but all the ones i got from 3 other stores are fine. Im not sure if perhaps the shipper stressed them out and a combination of the aggresive exuisite finished off already stressed out fish or what but for right now im avoiding buying from that supplier too, even if it was just bad advise to sell me these large fish that ended up killing each other. For right now i did some reaquascaping and im letting things cycle more before getting these 3 wrasses again. Oh i took the big one out he is living in a friends tank now. Still i have 5 wrasses in the tank and they are getting along peachy, my other fish are also fine and my corals are doing great under this lighting