new acro just showing pics/ID if possible


New member
This is my newest deepwater, just got it in the tank about an hour ago. It was sold to me as Jacquelineae, I believe it is either Lokani or Caroliniana. Whatever it is the purple is intense and I cannot pic it up in the picture very well. These are fairly close up, it is about 1-2". It is obviously starting to table, I was able to see a picture of the parent colony and it is very solid purple and definately a table. Any ID tries would be greatly appreciated, otherwise I hope you enjoy the pics. please ignore the detritus on the rock that the frag is on, my cleanup crew has yet to discover it :).




Pretty piece- Could also be granulosa, these things are so hard to ID on picture alone, especially when they are small. I think caroliniana tend to have thinner branches so I think it is probably lokani. I've never seen an A. jacquelineae like that before. Nice coral though! Good luck with it.
I would say it is most likely A. lokani. You really should keep us up to date with the growth of this frag, cause it is beautiful!
Thanks for the responses!!

thebicyclecafe--I have a nice granulosa colony about 8" away from it that I have been growing out for awhile, this has thicker coralites and they are much mroe spread apart. I agree on the caroliniana, the problem I have had with ID'ing caroliniana is most of the pieces I have seen that people call caroliniana (in person) I think were misslabled so I do not personally have a very good reference.

Spiffman257--I will post growth shots, as of now I am just hoping it will be alive tomorrow :D .

awsome!! deepwater/outer reefcrest acro's are my favorite. That is definately a nice piece! Very similiar in shape to granulosa.

That is a beauty, I was thinking a. lokani, but I suck at ID so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. I have a least that is what it was sold to me as and yours looks a bit different.
At Cleveland swap today, the seller must have been from out of town because I did not recognize him. He had 5 or so pieces all sold very quickly. He had a couple of LE's and this, it was from a wild piece he has, all of the frags of this had taken on a plating growth. The pic he had of the mother colony was almost all purple. Either way all of his frags were in great shape and had started encrusting, he also has a nice piece of superman monti (looks to be real, I have seen a ton of fakes) If you post on the Cleveland (CSEA) board you might get better info.

That guy was from Kentucky. I didn't get any frags from him ( I am now kicking myself in the rear:D ) but my buddy Dan (purplereef) got one of these same ones you got. I guess I'll have to bug him for a frag of his frag:)

Are you listening, Dan?
jwsir yours looks to be more like a maryae.
And mtnl its a very nice piece, Butthe tapering tips gives it the appearance of a carolinia. JMO
Still very nice whatever it is. I was just going to pm ya, But ya may have found what you were looking for.;)
Thanks for the responses!!

Creetin--PM when it's available, I am still very interested :D !!

ramone--the pics are taken with a fuji f11.
