new addition from Memfish


New member
heres the gbta i got yesterday from Memfish the clowns have already started hosting.

Congrats, but watch it close for it a while. It will probably move around and it can harm corals. I had an RBTA at one time that my clowns started hosting and then it starting moving all over the tank before it ended up in the return of my closed loop.
I've had mine for about three weeks now and he is back behind my rock wall..... I wish I had done my research on them first, I might not have spent the money on something that isn't going to move so much
yeah i know they like to move but this one seems to be happy where it is now but im sure it will move soon.
i did read if you feed it and it might stay in the spot it gets the most food from and light and flow. right now it is in a high flow area