New additions


Wrasse aficionado
I was at one of my favorite LFS a couple weeks ago and they had a stunning pair of swallowtail angels (Genicanthus melanospilos). To make matters worse the pair was about the price I've seen single males sell for. Needless to say I was back the next day and picked them up. After a QT period they are now in my display and doing great. These guys are ferocious eaters!!

Here's a pic of the male. The streamers on this guy don't really show well in this pic.

Not a new addition but a good pic of my clown tang.

Neat pic of my mata tang getting a cleaning from cleaner wrasse. You can see the female swallowtail in the lower corner.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo image_zpsbsf4s50l.jpg"/></a>
Nice! I have a pair of spotbreast Angels in QT. almost lost them to ich and almost lost the female after medication. Fortunately they look good now and are in hypo.

Nice fish you got there!!