New anthias harem addition... SO BEATIFUL! (large pics)


New member
Here is my newest addition (today). The harem of 3 female lyretail anthias and the male who makes a visit to the local dentist for a routine cleaning. He loves his checkups it seems.

Three lovely ladies


The male heading to the cleaners


And a final stop at the dentist


absolutely no photoshop editing... i swear these are the most photogenic fish in existance.
very nice...i myself am waiting on a school of 5 lyretail females i just ordered. cant wait.
very beautiful fish.

Those particular candy canes were harvested in palao as part of a research project, shown at the Aquarium of Hawaii, fragged and transferred to Birch aquarium in San Diego, and fragged to my very own humble 90G reef.
beautiful shots! You'll be having a lot more, these fishes are so pretty!
congratulations for this very nice addition!

my next addition will be 4 bartlett anthias, after seeing these pics i'm twice as anxious.