New aquascape, what do you think?


Premium Member
I had to move a lot of my LR last night to catch my halfblack angel (he was terrorizing the rest of the fish and I opted to take him back to the LFS), and I used the opportunity to change the rockwork a bit. I left the bottom rocks in place because the gobies have built caves and I also didn't want to disturb the sand, but I think I managed to improve things a bit.



Thanks for looking, feel free to let me know what you think :)
The new aquascape looks nice, but the original was more natural from my years experience of diving.

What makes you happiest is best.

Thanks for the kind words :)
I liked it before, but had a comment that it was a bit 'stuffy' and after watching the fish wiggle through small caves and getting some dead spots where detritus built up I'm inclined to agree.
The fish seem to be enjoying this formation more, constantly swimming in and out of the caves, and I think the circulation is better all around. All in all it's not a huge change but I'm much happier with it this way :D
Thank you all so much :D.
It wasn't fun taking everything out and then rebuilding it, but I'm SO glad I did. The fish really seem to enjoy the caves and it looks more purposeful than before.
My 150 gallon predator tank is wide open with just the right amount of hiding spots

My 150 gallon predator tank is wide open with just the right amount of hiding spots

built in, this make sit much easier to clean with suck messy eaters at my huma trigger porcupine puffer and snowlflake moray, they are so messy that i am quarantining a new spotted goatfish to go in but am worried if some formalin itreated my 150 with be toxci for him which i have read, though i read the same thing about malichite green and morays and it didnt affact my moray one bit he is still the chompingmonster of a beast he is and even holds onto my puffer hitching a ride from him!!!!!Good luck if you happen to find a nice mantis shrimp in your live rock let me know i will pay yoiu for him and ship him to me thanks:blown: :blown: :blown:
oh yeah thats is what my predators would do to your gobies and other small fish

oh yeah thats is what my predators would do to your gobies and other small fish

:blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: