New Arrival


New member
My little girl has finally arrived!

Trinity Rose Rager
Born at Dupont hospital at 7:29 AM 02-22-09.

Dave that is great. My best goes out to you an yours. Now the wild ride begins, hold on to your seat, it goes fast.

She is beautiful. As Phill said time will fly now. Baby today adult tomorrow.
Thats awesome Dave, Our wishes to all three of you. If you need anything at all let us know.
Now with kids though, you can tell the wife you need to get the nano tank setup to put in the baby's room. Worked for me anyway
She is a cutie. You better start getting the shot gun ready. You only have around 15 yrs before the boy craze really sets in, if that. Enjoy it while you can, that day will be here before you know it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14489280#post14489280 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Nagle
Awwww........ she is so cute! Lovin the bib. Look at those bright eyes.

Yeah, the bib is very cute. It was a gift from Jesse! :)