New black and orange anglerfish advice


New member
Hello recently got a new angler fish it is presently about the size of a golfball and eating feeder guppies but would like to get it on frozen food. I have already research this on several websites before I got it but would love any advice you have about using a feeding stick or any other Ideas you have
thanks for any advice you have
by the here is what it looks like not my pic but you can see how pretty it is img/ose02/kuma_iza.jpg
get one of the clear feeding sticks and put a silver side on it, much like you would bait a hook for fishing. wiggle the silverside about 4 inced in front of his face ( try to mimic something dying) and usually that will perk their interest.
one other method that i have tried ( if your theatrical fish waving skills are not up to par) is get some quarantined goldfish, shove a live one onto the feeing stick usually i go in the mouth and out the gills, then let the realy dying goldfish do the dancing. once your angler gets used to that you can go back to the first option i gave you.
remember that Zoe is your friend and to soak your silversides til they are green. a touch of garlic never hurts either
Please don't feed your fish freshwater fish, even if you can acclimate them there nutritional value just isn't there.