New build for new year


New member
well guys will be building a new plywood / fiberglass tank in new year 4x4x2 (4 feet deep) glass 19mm float for front viewing panel

here is steel frame to support glass and ply , it 2"x2" x 5mm angle iron , so this will let me avoid having the centre brace the tank .... here is the frame next to my 6x2x2 :eek2:



some more details , tank will be run with a sequence 10000 and an ocean motions 4 way unit for movment .,
2 tunze DOC 9010 skimmers
DIY water surge device mounted 1 foot above tank made in SS, will fill up in about 2 mins then run about 2 gallon of water into tank from a slip and run to minimize air bubbles,should be goog for SPS , the lower region of the tank at the bottom will be much calmer with just the intake of the seq. 10000 and whatever eddie currants from the ocean motion reach the lower levels
Aquascaping will consisit of about 40 ( well containts of the 6x2x2) kg live rock thr rest of the aquascape made by myself from fiberglass resins etc

still looking for aqua scaping ideas.... and any comments welcome?
looks like an interesting stand... and an iteresting project...

question thought...

is their rust forming on the stand itself?

how tall is that stand?

THanks :D
stand is not a stand that is the frame to hold the ply and glass in place that is the tank! lol the way your looking at it is front viewing pane will hold about 200 uk gallon , the frame has been shotblasted since then and zinc primed
the tank frame is 4 foot by 4 foot x 2 foot the ply and glass and fiberglass will go inside the frame so the steel will take the pressure of water sorry i worded my post at the begining wrong
OH. OK... I understand. just curious...why would you build a tank this way?...Why not just use acrylic or glass....
Whats the benifit?
THanks :)
I like that - thats how tanks used to be built "In the olden days" - I have a book called "The Aquarium" from 1901 that talks about tanks built that way with putty holding the glass intside an iron frame.

I just realied - that plug in the pictures are UK plugs and then spotted you are in Scotland. Nice to see someone else from the UK on here!

i'm a little concerned...I have a copy of Fenners "the conscientious marine aquarist " and i remember reading in it that these types of tanks are dangerous, because they can leak, or have problems with corosiun due to salt. You also wouldnt want a part of that frame to come into contact with the saltwater....

It says this explicitly....that one must be carful when using a tank with a metal frame or an old tank, because the tank itself might sufer from corosion....

I dont want to tell you what to do, just be VERY careful...
y not just build a tank--the traditional glass and silicon, or acrylic way--- and then frame it with metal...
that way you get the look without the risk of corosion or salt problems.

I just dont want you to put in all this work, and then have a problem later on...

By the way, if you own the book, or can get a copy, the section i am refering to is on pg. 47 (part 1 chapter 2)

Just a thought...I hope you take this as a concern, and not a s an opositional opinion on your project.

I'm trying to help, not cause problems...

Please tell me if you have a solution to the problems i have outlined, and what route you plan to go. Thanks. :)
the tank frame will be shotblast zinc coated and them hot dipped , the frame is just for strength no water will come into contact with it at all basically this is just a plywood and glass tank but with the steel frame for added strength , the glass will be siliconed right to the back of the front frame the plywood siliconed to the bottom and sides , plus fiberglass , completely water tight and rust proof....... the guys i work with work for pipe coaters for the oil industry , Bredero Shaw , they know how to rustproof pipe...... and it is completely inert the coatings they use , and safe for reef and fish
Ok. I have complete confidence that this will work. :D

I just wantyed to be safe...for your sake....
I'd hate for somthing bad to happen :D

I look forward to your build thread...I'm sure it will be great :D
i hope so but we hope we are due puppies at the start of january so build might take a while to get going lol